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      기한 없음
      세비야 모험가조합
      There are many sea journes that can be considered great deeds. Among them, Magellan circumnavigating the globe stands out as an amazing achievement. This job is from a Scholar who's compiling information about that journey. They want to know about the perlous location that caused him the most hardship. First, talk to the Scholar here.

                          1. 세비야 서고 - Talk to Scholar ×3
                          4. 부에노스아이레스 - Talk to Barkeep
                          5. 산안토니오 - Talk to Resident
                          6. 산안토니오 - Talk to Seafarer ×2
                          8. 아르헨티나 해저분지 - In the border to Chile Basin waters(Coordinates 13324,6813) 관찰 인식

                          ※ Quest required for the lv 60 Breaker on Adventure.

                          El Paso
                          마르 파시피코 9 11 1 태평양
                          여행의 끝 10 12 1 세부 섬

                          제2의 세계일주 8 10 1 드레이크 해협

                          1. Achievement with no rewards
                          Word is he came from Portuguese a lower class family. At the time, Portugal was doing brink business on the so-called Spice Islands set in India's east. It is said that he achieved much there, and then returned home. Problem was all that waited from him was the same old lower-class treatment.

                          2. An absurd plan
                          His experience was given short shrift, and afterward Portugal declined to add him to the fleet. His honour tarnished, he presented a plan to Spain's king. His incredible plan was to make for the Spice Islands by going round the southernmost tip of the new continent.

                          3. Danger in he New World
                          The key to his plan was the discovery of an "El Pan"; that is, a strait alloweing passage from the new continet's east coast through to the west. During his navigations, he is said to have encountered the most trying pass, the El Pan. There is a record of him desembarking in he area of Buenos Aires. Please do investigate there.

                          4. Ride disappointment to the south
                          Seems that Magellan, on seeing the vast mouth of the Rio de La Plata, did believe it to be the straight leading to the west coast. They say that after wandering about for over 3 weeks and finding nothing, he continued his navigation. They say his fleet continued on farther south.

                          5. Winter of humiliation
                          I've heard that by the time Magellan's fleet came to this area, it was already coming into winter. Proceeding farther on by ship is not something to do in winter. With no choice, Magellan decided to winter a little from here in a bay in the south. However, it seems that in the anxiety and uneasiness and not finding a strait, the crew raised a mutiny.

                          6. El Paso of hope
                          But Magellan is known as having had unparalleled leadership skills, and thanks to thoseskills, the mutiny quickly put down. Then after somehow surviving the fierce winter, the fleet set out farther south. Then, approaching the end of Octover, they finaly made it round the west: he had found the elusive strait to the west coast!

                          7. El Paso of misery
                          Magellan is said to have observed the strait in absolute delight. Trouble is, the strait didn't give him to much delight. It is an extremely narrow route with treacherous currents. One ship was wrecked and another deserted after making the terrible pass. The strait is just south of town, but you're just going to have a look, right?

                          8. El Paso
                          Of Magellan's circumnavigation, the hardest pass is said to have been at the southern tip of the new continent. Makes for a longer trip, but make south from San Antonio and check out that place in some detail.

                          의뢰 알선서

                          마젤란 해협


                          발견시 경험치 800, 카드 경험치 200
                          보고시 경험치 435, 명성 288, 의뢰 알선서 9 획득

                            • 발견물
                            • 마젤란 해협 ★★★★★★ (지리) 경험치:1040 명성:400
                              마젤란이 태평양으로 나가기 위해 항해한 것에서 그 이름이 붙은 해협. 상당히 좁고 지형도 복잡하여 어려움을 겪는 장소로 유명하다.

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