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            튀니스 모험가조합
            Was it difficult to investigate a hippopotamus? Actually, some new information has come in that differs from your report. A hippopotamus spends almost all day covered in water, right? Well, it seems there's also one that hardly ever enters the water. This report came from near Abidjan. So why not do some investigating in the town there?

                        1. 아비장 - Talk to Resident (near Bank)
                        2. 아비장 - Talk to Shipwright (near Port Official)
                        3. 대서양중앙 서쪽 해안 - Use 관찰 , 생태 조사 north of the Giant Dead Tree

                        강에 숨어있는 거대 생물 2 4 1 하마
                        Hippo that hates water
                        달인의 탐구 11 11 1 난쟁이하마

                        1. Hippopotamus in the forest
                        Hippopotami? You mean the ones with the dumpy torso, short legs, and huge mouth? If so, yeah, seen them under the shade of the trees, munching away on something. Never seen 'em in the river, mind you. Isn't there someone else who's seen 'em?

                        2. It's body is not that large
                        Aye, caught sight of 'em many's the time whilst going to the forest to fell trees for timber. 2 or 3 of them wandering about. What's that? What were their dimensions? Well, suppose height of the shoulder was say a meter. All together different from the one you speak of, I reckon.

                        3. Small hippopotamus in the forest
                        In the forest in the vicinity of Abidjan, there seems to be a hippo much smaller than the ones found in rivers. Whether different species or adaptation to environment, none can say. Search for a disembarkment point west of Abidjan, and then check out the area overgrown with giant, dead trees in the east.

                        의뢰 알선서


                        FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                        발견시 경험치 800, 카드 경험치 200
                        보고시 경험치 230, 명성 250, 의뢰 알선서 9 획득

                          • 발견물
                          • 난쟁이하마 ★★★★★★ (중형생물) 경험치:1040 명성:400
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