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      기한 없음
      런던 모험가조합
      The Servants of Manannan are a group of pirates who have worshipped Manannan from the olden days. According to their legends there is a demonic sword hidden on the island north of Britain. Hmmm, north of Britain... You should ask around in London first.

                    1. 런던 주점 - 주점주인과 대화
                    2. 런던 주점 - 뱃사람과 대화
                    3. 브리튼 섬 북쪽 - 남동쪽의 겹바위 부근에서 관찰 탐색

                    맨섬의 바다의 신 1 다음 자동갱신이 아닌 경우에는
                      진행은 같지만 모험가 의뢰 중개인의 말이 약간 다르다고 합니다.

                    브리튼 섬 서쪽의 작은 섬 1 2 1 맨섬
                    전설의 마검 1
                    맨섬의 바다의 신 1

                    North of Great Britain Island Island? Hmm... I suppose you can disembark on the opposite shore of Great Britain Island from northeast Ireland. Hm? Does that sailor over there know something I don't?

                    2. This comes from a guy I spoke to who travelled north of great Britain Island. He said there was a strange boulder south of where he landed. It looked very suspicious so he searched the area but didn't find anything. Pointless to go there, don't you think?

                    3. According to the "Letter from the Sea God," Fragarach is located north of Great Britain Island. A suspicious looking looking boulder is located south of the harbour in northern Great Britain Island, We should investigate that area.

                    의뢰 알선서



                    FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                    발견시 경험치 910, 카드 경험치 227, 프라가라흐
                    보고시 경험치 250, 명성 260, 의뢰 알선서 10 획득

                      • 발견물
                      • 프라가라흐 ★★★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:1183 명성:455
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