大航海時代 DB

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퀘스트 -침몰선
-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
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직업 부관 장비품


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            아프리카의 남단
            기한 없음
            베네치아 모험가조합
            The Cape of Good Hope that was traversed by Bartolomeu Dias is quite a stormy region. So we'd like you to investigate how the storms relate to the seasons. The sailors at Saint-Georges will probably tell you what they know if you buy them drinks.

                      1. 세인트조지스 - Seaferer ; Drink All Round!
                      2. 세인트조지스 - Young Man ; Talk to
                      3. 희망봉 앞바다 - around 976,6045 인식

                      currently here
                      진정한 최남단 2 4 1 아굴라스곶

                      Pre-discovery for
                      부풀어 오른 몸 3 5 1 비 개구리

                      1. Nest of storms
                      You're going to the Cape of Good Hope? Hehe, you're a bit of a daredevil aren't ya? Well just hope that your crew doesn't start a riot. There are so many storms over that way. Oh yeah, if you have a figurehead that helps prevent damage from natural disasters I'd definitely put it on if I were you. You wouldn't wanna regret not listening to me after you've sunk to the bottom of the ocean now would ya?

                      2. Is there anywhere that is safe?
                      Hahaha, a safe sea route around the Cape of Good Hope area? If there was such a thing I wouldn't have lost as many of my mates over there as I have. Listen, just don't try to fight against the wind. I don't care if you're in a hurry or you're almost out of food or whatever -- if a storm comes you let down your sails. Got it?

                      3. Cape of unrivalled danger
                      The wind is very strong and dangerous around the Cape of Good Hope. I need to be very careful when surveying the south-east area off from the cape. If only the Cape of Good Hope could be navigated more safely, the Indian sea route would be much more prosperous.


                      Discovery:235 Adventure Experience

                      Card:117 Adventure Experience and 희망봉

                      Report:120 Adventure Experience, 60 Adventure Fame and 항해기술입문

                        • 발견물
                        • 희망봉 ★★ (지리) 경험치:235 명성:118
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                          아프리카의 남단 99993563

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