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              카이사르의 검
              기한 없음
              마르세이유 모험가조합
              How's this for an intriguing item: the sword of Julius Caesar! I hear you've been looking into Celtic culture, which Caesar was deeply affiliated with. Maybe there's some interesting records remaining... Check around the archives in the Italian Peninsula, would be my suggestion.

                            1. 나폴리 서고 - Browse 고고학 ( 이탈리아어 required)
                            2. 나폴리 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                            3. 마르세이유 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                            4. 마르세이유 주점 - Talk to Barkeep
                            5. 나폴리 주점 - Talk to Barkeep
                            6. 캄파니아 지방 - Use 관찰 and 탐색 near the ruins.


                            묻혀있는 로마 유적 1 1 1 폼페이 유적

                            아일랜드의 태양신 1 12
                            태양신의 창 1 13
                            다나의 고향 1 1 14
                            Currently here.
                            검에 새겨진 문자 1 1 14
                            브뤼냐크 12 14 12 브뤼냐크

                            Letter from Caesar
                            The Gauls of Bri... ania are related to the Cel... on the mainland but are technologically behind, ... the Celts did not travel to the isl...nds recently. It is said their homel...nd lies in the forests of the Rhine... the legends say... south... further east... Ire...and...Danann people...Tir Na Nog...

                            Suppression of Gaul
                            Although that letter is missing portions of text, the fact remains that Caesar conquered the Celtic people on the island of Britain. Caesar's sword was used in his conquests of Gaul so there may be some clues there. Gaul would be present day France and Spain.

                            This town used to be a Greek colony known as Massalia. The people of Massalia went to the Romans for help when they were attacked by the Celts, thus leading the way for the Caesar to conquer Gaul, which is not France and Spain. I hear that the sword he used in his conquest is most likely somewhere in the ruins...

                            Remains of Rome
                            The sword which Caesar used is in the ruins? I'm not sure what you're talking about, but shouldn't Roman artifacts be located somewhere in Rome? Pompeii would be the place to search, I reckon.

                            Sword sleeping in Pompeii
                            Caesar's sword in Pompeii? Well, I suppose there is a possibility. I have heard a rumour that Caesar inscribed where his treasures lie into the sword and left his sword in one of his homes in Pompeii. As you know, the entire town is covered in ash from the volcano. Like I said it's only a rumour...

                            Caesar's sword
                            There is a high possibility that Caesar's sword is buried somewhere in Pompeii. We should go take a look. It may be located in an ancient building there. Apparently the sword has inscriptions on it...

                            카이사르의 검

                            카이사르의 검

                            FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                              • 발견물
                              • 카이사르의 검 ★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:440 명성:185
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