大航海時代 DB

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      기한 없음
      포르토벨로 모험가조합
      We received a request from a young man who lives in this town. It seems he's thinking of giving a cute animal to someone he's fond of. But he's not capable of looking for it himself. So go listen to what he has to say.

                            1. 포르토벨로 - Portobelo - Young Man (twice)
                            2. 포르토벨로 - Portobelo - Seafarer
                            3. 멕시코만 남서쪽 해안 - Gulf of Mexico Southwest Coast - Landing point. From Pointed boulder, head south...

                            1. (Discussion of gifts) You are knowledgeable in life science? Then please advise me on this one. I heard that there is a very cute creature inside the bay northwest of the town. It seems to have a red collar on a white fluffy body.

                            2. (Story heard from a sailor) The sailor also mentioned that the appearance of the creature as it swims is a pretty sight. Although cute, I wonder if she would accept such a gift...

                            3. (Looks like a lizard) Oh, that thing I mentioned to the young man in the town? Does he want to give it as a gift? Better not do it. For all purposes it looks like a lizard. Normally, no one would be happy to receive that. For you it makes sense as you can conduct your research.

                            4. A creature that appears like a lizard with a white body and a red collar that swims well. Must convey to the young man that it may not make a suitable gift. Let's start our research landing northwest of Vera Cruz.

                            의뢰 알선서


                            FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                            의뢰 알선서 5장

                            발견 시 - 모험경험 365, 발견물 카드 획득 시 - 모험경험 91
                            보고 시 - 모험경험 210, 모험명성 70(사냥꾼 기준)

                              • 발견물
                              • 멕시코도롱뇽 ★★ (소형생물) 경험치:365 명성:180
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