大航海時代 DB

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      (G.T.)To carry the new fire 불을 나르는 새
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      A Biologist has asked you to research a bird that is native to Hawaii. It has a red beak.
      Why don't you go there and begin your research.

            1. 하와이 - Talk to Young Man on the beach 2x
            2. 하와이 - Ecological research near bushes north of square

            I have some idea about that bird with the red beak, but where did you hear about it? It's such a shy bird that it's not easy to spot one, even though it stands out even in the bush because of its red beak. There's an interesting story about this bird.

            A long time ago, the bird pitied the humans because they didn't have fire. The bird decided to give them a burning branch obtained from a volcano. The bird accidentally burned its beak in the course of retrieving the branch.
            Tale that has a "sacred place"as the source of fire instead of the volcano. This version might have some connection with the Hawaiian fire god.

            You have obtained information on the bird that with a red deak. It seems to be a gentle bird but very cautious. You have also heard stories related to this bird. Search the bushes in town for one.

              • 발견물
              • 알라에 울라 () 경험치: 명성:
                하와이에 불을 가져다 주었다고 하는 전설의 새.「울라」란 하와이어로 붉다는 뜻이며,이마와 부리 안쪽이 선명한 붉은 색을 띠고 있다.

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                (G.T.)To carry the new fire 불을 나르는 새 99999413