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      (G.T.)The great mystery mission
      기한 없음
      이스탄불 상인조합
      This is a request from the merchant Guild Master of this town. He's looking for a reliable voyager. He said it's a very important mission but wouldn't give me the details. It sounded very serious... If you're interested, go speak with him.

                1. 이스탄불 이스탄불 상인조합 - Talk to Merchant GM x2
                2. 이스탄불 - Talk to Shipyard Master (Need 시미터 x1; can be bought at the Istanbul Item Shop for 29,000 ducats)
                이스탄불 - Talk to Guard at Palace entrance (Need Goldwork x1, sold in town at the Market Keeper)
                3. 이스탄불 - At the Rest House, buy the Costumer (Green) a drink
                4. 이스탄불 이스탄불 상인조합 - Talk to Merchant GM x5

                (Thanks to Bael for the guide.)


                Meaningful words
                Are you the voyager who wants to take on the task? Excellent! You seem reliable enough
                I'm going to give you three tasks. Complete them all and report back to me. Ask no questions and remember, the mission is critical!

                Helping others
                1st mission: Deliver Scimitar x1 to the Shipyard Master in this town.
                2nd mission: Deliver Goldwork x1 to the Guard in this town.
                3rd mission: present one of the customers in the Rest Area with Hookah.
                All three are supposed to be good deeds, helping others... Godspeed.

                Huh? What do you want from me? Whoa! What are you are you going to do with that weapon! I got it! You're one of the pirates who threatened me the other day, aren't you? I told you I will never make a ship for someone like you, got it?! Now, drop the weapon and leave here at once!

                Another misunderstanding
                What's this Goldwork about...? Aha, so it's you who recently tempted the nobles of this town with bribes! Stop corrupting public morals and leave our town at once. And never come back unless you want to end up in prison.

                Repeated misunderstanding
                Oh, no! Did you expect a thank you for this, you little devil!? I'm trying to quit smoking hookah. My wife hates it because she says it's such a waste of money. How could you do this to me when I'm trying so hard to suppress my temptation?... Get lost and never come back!

                Guild Master's confession
                Finished? You needn't tell me how it went... Horrible, yes? Allow me to explain. My daughter, Lyla, is a would-be fortune-teller whose fortune-telling brings not but misfortune. I wanted someone besides myself to demonstrate this and help her to see the truth. The three tasks I gave you were examples of Lyla's fortune-telling.

                Longing for a fortune-teller
                One day, Lyla met this fortune-telling lady. After that, she developed a yearning for fortune-tellers and then, soon after, began fortune-telling herself. But we soon realized her fortune-telling doesn't bring any fortune, but misfortune. All your missions were things she believed would bring happiness...

                Paternal tenderness
                I know her fortune-telling causes others trouble, but it was hard for me to say that to her face, especially when she's so excited. I figured she would take it better hearing it from a stranger. Thanks to you, I'll be able to discourage her from continuing this.

                Anxiety remains
                Now my only concern is how to console her after she has come to face the reality of it. She was so enthusastic about becoming a fortune-teller, thinking it would bring happiness to others. I wonder if I can find something else she can do to bring joy to others... I've an idea! Will you hire her as your steward? She likes doing chores and has an amiable personality. I'm sure she won't disappoint you.

                Lyla, the would-be fortune-teller
                This critical mission was to demonstrate to Lyla, daughter of the Guild Master, that her fortune-telling brings unhappiness so she would give up her dream. She made a poor fortune-teller but seems to be a capable steward. It might be a good idea to support her until she's more experienced.

                Merchant GM(Istanbul)

                Lyla, the would-be fortune-teller
                That's good news! I had already asked a big favour of you, so I was worried, but I'm glad you've agreed to hire my daughter! I owe you a lot. She loves attractive people like you, so she'll gladly accept your offer. I hope she'll be of great help.

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                    2020-04-12 11:11
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                    2023-03-21 01:26

                    (G.T.)The great mystery mission 99999419