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      하늘을 나는 펭귄
      기한 없음
      리스본 모험가조합
      Hey you! You heard the rumors of the flying penguin? Think they're cute? President Baldi has heard the rumors and wants to have it looked in to. I think it's some kind of mistake. Penguins may be birds, but they don't fly! But maybe it's something new! A flying penguin would make an exciting discovery. Go ask President Baldi about it.

              1. 리스본 발디 대표 저택 - Talk to President Baldi
              2. 플리머스 플리머스 주점 - Talk to Seafarer

              3. 테라 노바 북쪽 해안 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 in the northeast corner, by the water.


              발디 은행장의 관심 5 7 1 갈라파고스 펭귄
              포도의 땅에서 본 미래 12 14 1 테라 노바

              Life as a Penguin
              To tell the truth, I am also a bit surprised. If Penguin don't fly, then should we be calling this new discovery a penguin? You have studied them extensively. Can you go and find the truth? They were seen by a seafarer in Plymouth tavern.

              Flies, doesn't swim and is scary
              I saw it over near the island of Newfoundland North Coast. While it was standing on the cliff, it looked just like a penguin. But then it flew, and it never entered the water. So I do figure it is some bird that just looks like a penguin. I caught a glimpse of its face too. The eyes were kind of pointed and scary looking.

              Truth of the rumour
              It looks like the truth behind the rumors is a bird that looks like a penguin, not a flying penguin. It was seen in Newfoundland North Coast. So we need to go there to check on it.

                • 발견물
                • 퍼핀 ★★★★★ (조류) 경험치:820 명성:338
                  북미 연안 북부와 유럽 북부 연안에서 볼 수 있는 바닷새. 번식기에는 눈 주위에 뿔 같은 무늬가 생기기 때문에「뿔 퍼핀」이라고도 불린다. 모습은 펭귄과 비슷해 보이지만,날 수 있다.

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                  하늘을 나는 펭귄 99997531

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