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      코알라 상담
      기한 없음
      세비야 모험가조합
      We got a request from an Artist here who's worried about their pet koala. They want to talk to someone who's knowledgeable about a rare animal like that. So can you go?

                  부모 등에서 4 6 1 코알라

                  1. 세비야 Talk to Artist x2 (located near the Mansion south-east of the Archives)
                  2. 세인트조지스 Talk to Market Keeper x3
                  3. 세비야 Talk to Artist 3x

                  An artist's worries
                  Wow, I don't know what to do. My koala seems to be sick. I saw a koala at the storefront when I went to Saint-Georges before. The storekeeper told me the koala was not for sale, but I begged him and he gave it to me. But when I brought it home, it was behaving oddly...

                  The trail points to Africa
                  It didn't move much, and it wouldn't eat. I don't even know how to begin to fix a koala's illness... Maybe I should ask the market keeper in Saint-Georges, the original owner?

                  Is the koala sick?
                  The koala isn't energetic? I would be worried if it was. When I was given the koala in Kakadu, I heard that koalas are supposed to sleep for most of the day. And you must not give it water. Apparently, in its native land, koala means "doesn't drink water"...

                  The koala's favourite
                  Also, koalas don't eat much, and they should be fed eucalyptus. You should know it's quite hard to keep them. I saw eucalyptus when I went to Kakadu, but I wonder if the artist from Seville feeds it properly...

                  Message to the artist
                  I did tell the artist when I gave him the koala... Maybe he forgot, he was so excited when I gave him the koala. Anyway, koalas are normally asleep and still. Whatever the animal, it must be kept correctly for that animal. Tell that to this artist in Seville.

                  The owner's reflections
                  Thank you for asking for me. It was true. When I received the koala, I got all kinds of explanations. I must have been completed entranced to get such a rare animal. I have failed as a guardian...

                  The owner's proposal
                  And now, I have a favour to ask of you. I want you to be the koala's owner. You have been kind to a stranger's animal. I think my koala will be safe with you. What do you say, will you do it?

                  Own a koala
                  It seems the artist wants you to take care of the koala instead of him. If you decide to take the koala, talk to the artist from Seville again.

                  Own a koala
                  Thank you. I'll give the koala to the handler for now. I may not have been the best owner, but I did everything I could for that koala. I hope he will continue to live a happy life together with you.

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                      2013-09-25 02:15

                      코알라 상담 99997477

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