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            튀니스 모험가조합
            I have a survey request from a Scholar researching ancient Rome. Back then, persons who saved Roman citizens were given crowns. This was said to be a priceless honour. He would like you to find out about this honour. The Scholar in Naples knows alot about this

                          묻혀있는 로마 유적 1 1 1 폼페이 유적
                          You Are Here

                          나폴리 서고 Scholar - Talk to Scholar x3
                          나폴리 근교 캄파니아 지방 Search ruins East of entrance

                          Gift of thanks given by a citizen
                          In ancient Rome they had a tradition of giving crowns to people as rewards for there good deeds. Among them, the crown given to those who saved the life of a citizen of rome was the highest of honours. The one who was saved carved a crown from the branch of an oak and gave it to the one who saved them

                          Glory worth more than gold
                          The glory of having received the citizen's crown lasted for a lifetime, and such an individual was respected by all, regardless of these station in life. Don't you think that's quite a wonderful custom?
                          Those who had been bestowed with this honour were also allowed to order a special golden crown to be made. However, they had to pay for it themselves...

                          Investigation of the ruins of Pompeii
                          Although these crowns sent from a citizen remain in records, unfortunately a real example of one has never been found. Pompeii was a city in ancient Rome, so you might be able to find one there...

                          Crown of glory sleeping in the ruins
                          In ancient Rome it is said that one who saved a life of a citizen was awarded glory and a crown of invaluable worth. There is a chance that such a crown remains buried in the ruins of Pompeii, a city of ancient Rome. Head to the ruins of Pompeii from the outskirts of Napoli and search for yourself.

                            • 발견물
                            • 시민관 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:350 명성:175
                              고대 로마의 보장제도의 하나로, 로마 시민의 목숨을 구해 준 사람에게 수여하는 관이다. 다른 명예로 수여하는 관은 금으로 된 것이었는데, 최고위인 시민관은 떡갈나무잎으로 만들어졌다. 이 명예를 얻은 자만이 금속제의 시민관을 만드는 것이 허용되었다.

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                              로마시민을 구한 증표 99997427

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