푸른 하늘 아래의 환상
기한 없음
알렉산드리아 모험가조합
내륙을 횡단하는 캐러밴 대원들 사이에서 묘한 소문이 나돌고 있네.
대륙의 동쪽 끝에 환상의 나라가 있다는 거야. 이것에 대해 메흐메드 샤낙 님이 조사를 의뢰해 왔네.
힘든 내륙 조사기 때문에 생존 능력이 뛰어난 모험가의 협조가 필요하다는군.
815 000
80 000



Quest must be done 1st
6 quest/discovery
환상의 나비 


키리프스모르포 Unlocked



1. 알렉산드리아-메흐메드 샤낙과 3번대화(첫 대화에서 생존 5랭크 필요)
4. Talk to tavern keeper in Calcutta (not Calicut)
5. Chongqing - talk to tavern keeper
6. Chongqing - talk to Girl 2 times
8. Southeast Chongqing - click on the Large Boulder
9. Southeast Chongqing - click on the Upturned Boulder

환상의 나라
환상의 나라를 믿는 건 아니네. 아마 극한 상황에서 신기루라도 본거겠지. …하지만, 캐러밴 대원의 증언이 일치하는 부분도 많아서 환상이라고 결론 내릴만한 근거가 없네. 캐러밴이 사건에 휘말리기라도 하면 곤란하니까, 사건성이 없는지를 확인해두고 싶네.

안개속 푸른 하늘과 무지개와 인영
그들의 증언은 이렇다네. 캘커타에서 내륙으로 나아가, 산맥 너머의 한 장소에서 하룻밤 묵었는데, 안개에 둘러싸여 잠에서 깼다는군. 그러자 안개 속에서 푸른 하늘과 무지개가 보이고, 한동안 그 아름다움에 넋을 잃고 있자 희미한 사람의 모습이 나타나… 이윽고 안개가 사라진다고.

사람의 정체는
사람의 모습이 나타나는 것이 안개가 걷히는 신호라네. 그러나 안개가 걷혀도 사람의 정체는 알 수 없었다는 거야. 말로만 들으면 좀 불길하지만, 실제로 본 사람은 이상하게도 불길한 그낌은 아니라고 했네.
속임수나 유괴 같은 것이 아닐지 조사해 주게.

Figure in Search of Something
There are many merchants who head to Eastern China from here by land. I hear lots of stories about a strange mist, too. The human figure that appears within look as if they are searching for something. The city if Chingqing is a stopping post for the Merchants, so you should ask around there.

Chongqing Rumours
That story became a pretty big rumour a few years ago. "When the morning fog comes in in the mountains west of town, a blue sky and rainbow appear, and then one of the dead beckons you to join him...", or something of that sort. But the sight is so beautiful that it doesn't seem frightening at all, they say. Speaking of which, a girl here in town was listening to that story pretty intently.

Disappeared Adventurer and Father
Just before the rumours started, there was and adventurer from a foreign land who came looking for my father. They left town early in the morning together, and then in the evening, my father came back alone. My father suddenly said he was going to visit a scholar in Hangzhou, and left town. That's when the rumours of a ghost started.

Their Goal
People started saying it was the ghost of the adventurer, and that my father killed him. Those suspicions have now been cleared up, but my father has disappeared from Hangzhou as well. If only we knew why the two of them left town early that morning, then we would know why my father disappeared...

To a Friend in a Far Away Land
To John Tradescant, my friend from a nation afar--I've been trully moved by now ceaselessly you travel from one nation to another, chasing a dream. I have no desire to crush your spirits here. I now want to invest my life in understanding the world and times of the Three Kingdoms. Let us drink here someday when our dreams are fulfilled, so that we may relish in them. To good health...

To a Friend in the Far East
To my friend in the Far East--As you told me, the mist appeared the next morning when the temperature dropped after that warm night. After several days in waiting, I found my phantom creature. I wish I could have shown you its wings shining through the fog, and its majestic flight. As long as you continue you to chase your dreams, I will continue to chase after unknown creatures. To good health...

Phantom under a Blue Sky
It seems Tradescant came here in search of some specimin. The "wings that shine in the fog" could be responsible for the blue sky and rainbow seen by others. The human figure seen searching within the mist may have been Tradescant in the middle of his study. Find the creature and prove to the requester that there is no concern for possible incidents.
- 발견물
임페리얼호랑나비 ★★★★★★★ (곤충) 경험치:1250 명성:480
중국 남부의 산악 지대에 서식하는 나비. 입수염이 길다. 녹색과 적색의 날개가 매우 눈부시며,빠른 속도로 하강하는 모습에서는 대담함도 엿볼 수 있다. 역시 나비의 황제다.