大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 다재한 시인 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      다재한 시인
      기한 없음
      알렉산드리아 모험가조합
      There's a request from a travelling scholar in Beirut. It seems that there's something that he wants found. A request from scholar means that you might find something valuable.

                    1. 베이루트 - Talk to Travelling Scholar
                    2. 이스탄불 - Talk to Scholar
                    3. 이스탄불 - Mosque 관찰 탐색

                    Do you know Rumi? He was influenced by the people he looked up to, and left many lyrical poems. I woeld like you to help me in my search for his poems. There are no hints around these parts, so all that's left is towards the Black Sea.

                    Yes, I know him. He studied theology and law, he wrote not only lyrical poems, but also prose and poetry in a many different forms. His works? His prose is stored in the Mosque in this town. I also read his works a lot. They should be near the entrance.

                    Mystic poet
                    Rumi apparently left prose. Beyond the prose, he authored various other books and his reputation was very good. One of his works is stored in the Mosque in Istambul. I'll search near the entrance.

                    Discovery Reward:
                    260 (130) Adventure Exp

                    Card Reward:

                    Report Quest Reward:
                    140 Adventure Exp, 65 Adventure Fame
                    의뢰 알선서

                      • 발견물
                      • 칠설화 ★★ (보물) 경험치:260 명성:130
                        루미 저서.
                        이슬람 설화를 종합한 것으로 보여진다. 루미는 시의 형식으로 많은 저서를 남기고 있으며,이 이야기는 산문형식으로 쓰여져 있다.

                        댓글 안보기

                        2014-11-22 18:28

                        다재한 시인 99997277

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