大航海時代 DB

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      조선 왕조 초기의 조사
      기한 없음
      캘리컷 모험가조합
      I've got a request concerning Jeong Do-jeon. There's a history scholar who's interested in this key figure of the Joseon Dynasty. Seems he's interested in all of the political conflicts he was involved in... Now that I think about it, there was that soldier in Pohang...

                1. 포항 - Talk to Soldier on Watch (2x)
                2. 한양 한양 서고 - Use 관찰 and 탐색

                Origin of the Joseon Dynasty
                Jeong Do-jeon compared his relationship to the founder of the dynasty, Taizu, to the relationship of the first Western Han emperor and his military commander. "Gaozu did not use Zhang Liang to create the dynasty, Zhang Liang used Gaozu to create the dynasty." Jeong Do-jeon felt that government should not be ruled only by the king, but should be centered on the Vizier.

                Way of Government
                This was disputed by Taizu's fifth prince, Taizong. Before the throne, Taizong and Jeong Do-jeon clashed violently... Ultimately, Taizong was the one who took up the crown. Jeong Do-jeon supposedly left behind a verse before he died...

                Last words
                You obtained information on Jeong Do-jeon. It seems there was a verse he recited immediately before he died. There might be a record of it in the Archives of Hanyang. Go and check immediately.

                  • 발견물
                  • 정도전의 사세구 ★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:490 명성:220
                    정도전은 고려 말 조선 초의 학자이자 정치가로서 이성계에게 중용되었다.
                    정도전은 요동출병 계획을 눈앞에 두고 정적에게 암살되고 마는데,그때 이 시를 읊었다고 한다.

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                    조선 왕조 초기의 조사 99997198

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