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          잉카 왕족의 사후
          기한 없음
          리우데자네이루 모험가조합
          I have a request from a Scholar who has begun research on the Incan Empire. For this request he would like to know about Incan royalty. This is an unexplored civilization from our perspective... You might discover something truly surprising. He would like you to go work together with an explorer waiting in Lima.

                1. 리마 - Talk to Famous Explorer x4
                2. 쿠스코 - Outside the Golden Palace, Observe and Search.

                안데스에 우뚝 솟은 도시 9 11 10 쿠스코

                1. Customs of a long lost culture
                I know you must be tired from such a long voyage, but let's get right to work. The scholar who placed the request wants a mummy from the royal line of the Incas investigated. You didn't know the Incas had mummies? Their methods are a little different to those used in Egypt, but apparently but they did have a similar custom.

                2. Status unchanged
                The emperors of this country are mummified after their deaths. Having become a mummy the emperor then continues to rule. In other words, all of the territory and possessions belonging to that emperor are not inherited by anyone else, but remain the property of the now dead emperor.

                3. Reason for constant expansion
                This means the next emperor starts with no territory or possessions. This creates and ever presented need for expansion through war, and this is how the Inca empire has expanded so massively. I've heard they fight a lot, and i guess this explains why.

                4. Eternal position as emperor
                As i already said, the territory and possessions of the former emperor remain his even after death. Even after he dies the mummified emperor continues to be cared for by those who had server him in life, using his possessions.

                5. Find the place where emperors sleep
                Based upon this information i ned you to go to Cusco and see one of these mummies for yourself. Information indicates you can find one in the palace there. There's still a lot of information i need to gather on the Inca empire. I'm counting on you.

                6. Rights Eternal
                Here in the Inca Empire, after an emperor dies they are mummified. They have a unique custom of continuing to treat their mummified eperors as their rulers, and they retain all of the powers that they had held in life. One of the mummified emperors can now be seen in the palace at Cusco. Take a look in the palace and see it for yourself.

                잉카 왕족의 미라

                의뢰 알선서

                  • 발견물
                  • 잉카 왕족의 미라 ★★★★ (종교유물) 경험치:720 명성:300
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