과나코를 닮은 동물
기한 없음
포르토벨로 모험가조합
The travelling scholar of Merida is looking for an Adventurer who knows Guanaco. He wants to invstigate an animal that looks like a Guanaco. The location is the southern continent. If you want the job, get the details from the travelling scholar in Merida.



낙타를 닮은 동물 


메리다 - Talk to Travelling scholar x2
리마 - Talk to Famous Explorer x2
리마 북쪽 - West of map near the "Upturned Boulder" use Observe & Ecological Research

1. Return of the scholar who likes camels
I thank you for taking care of the guanaco investigation. Last time, I had you look into the guanaco, an animal which looks like a camel. This time, I've heard a rumour of a new animal which looks like the guanaco, and I'd really like you to investigate it. Now, about the characteristics of this animal...

2. A smaller animal than the guanaco
When compared to a guanaco, it is smaller and thinner, and the fur is very soft. Around here, it is treated distinctly from a guanaco. This is information from a famous Explorer who is active around Lima. If you can meet with him, he can maybe tell you more details.

3. Material belonging to an emperor
An animal that looks like a small guanaco? That would be the vicugna. Its fur is soft and the texture is good, and is treated like a luxury good. The clipped hair is presented to the Emperor, and the clothing made from it is all given to the Royal Family. It looks like a guanaco, but is treated very differently...

4. Location of the vicuna
As you can tell by the abundant body fur of the vicugna, it is an animal of the highlands. It has bright, brown fur and its face resembles the guanaco and camel, but it is much smaller than them. Around these parts... If you go out of town through the gate, you can probably see them north of Lima.

Animal like a guanaco
The request from the travelling scholar is to investigate the animal knwon as the vicugna. It's smaller than the guanaco, with soft fur of great value which is presented to the Emperor. Relying on the information that you gathered in Lima, you should search for the vicugna north of Lima
- 발견물
비쿠냐 ★★ (대형생물) 경험치:360 명성:180
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