大航海時代 DB

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직업 부관 장비품


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          신을 본 떠 만든 가면
          기한 없음
          리마 모험가조합
          Are you the sailor who investigated about Incan medicine? A Scholar was intrigued with the design of the knife you discovered then. He would like you to continue investigating the design of that knife. Go gather information from the gatekeeper at Cuzco

                    오래된 나이프 5 7 5 금 나이프

                    1. 쿠스코 - Talk to Gatekeeper
                    Oh ho, you found a knife, eh. That knife must have had some special ornamentation, right? Thats the god known as Nymrap, who worshipped before the Inca Empire rose to prosperity. At that time, the most prominent area was Lambayeque, to the north of Cusco.

                    2. 람바예케 - Lambayeque - Talk to Barkeep
                    Nymrap? That's the god of creation that was worshipped back in ancient times. There were a lot of statues made of it back then, and the tools that they used are still being employed today. But the stories of that god are so old now that you might not be able to find anyone who knows them...Well, why don't you start by asking the city officials?

                    3. 람바예케 - Talk to Official x2

                    4. 남미 북서해안 - Northeast of map near "Diagonal Boulder" use 관찰 and 탐색

                    의뢰 알선서 x1
                    Adventure Experience: 320, Adventure Card: 160

                    신을 본 뜬 황금 5 7 5 나임랩의 황금가면

                    A knife accessory
                    The ancient creator
                    What is naimrapp?
                    A mask as burial goods
                    Seeking the mask

                      • 발견물
                      • 동제 가면 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:320 명성:85
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