大航海時代 DB

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      섬의 의식
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      The request is from a certain Scholar. If sakau and coconut oil are made for rituals, then there must be a place where rituals are held... is the hypothesis he wants to prove. When you found the ruins did you see a place like that? Do you think the Guam Rest House Master might know something?

                    1. - speak with barkeeper twice
                    2. 폰페이 섬 안쪽 - click on large boulder to get info
                    3. 폰페이 섬 안쪽 - click on ruins to get info
                    4. 폰페이 섬 안쪽 - use 관찰 , 인식

                    1. Where will the ceremony be held?
                    Inside those ruins, there is one place that is more splendid than any other. It is called the "Mouth of the Chieftain" and is a very sacred place. To get there, one must go through either the ceremonial road which only people of high social status are allowed through, or a small road for the common people.

                    2. In order to get inside
                    Ah, so you're going to see it? But you haven't met the inhabitants of the island before, right? Well, I'm not going to stop you. You should head to the place where they make kava to start. No matter the conditions, you should also go to the altar. You should go to all of the related places.

                    3. Sakau
                    ...Yes, I definitely heard the sound of kava being made. They might have been preparing the altar to be used. I saw a bowl containing a strange, unfamiliar liquid. Dipping my finger into it and licking it, it gave a kind of burning sensation on the tongue. I think that was probably kava.

                    4. Palm oil
                    ...This was the place where they made palm oil. Looking around, there is a ring of flowers.
                    However, the sweet aroma is something besides the flowers. The true form of the aroma might be palm oil. Looking somewhere else, a little further there is another ring of flowers, beckoning to me.

                    5. Preparations complete
                    As always, there is no contract with the inhabitants, but it appears to have been allowed to approach the altar. I'll head north where the flowers are leading me.

                    Discovery Reward :
                    930 Adventure exp

                    Card Reward :
                    난투와스 465 Adventure exp

                    Quest Reporting Reward :
                    의뢰 알선서 , 190 Adventure exp ,180 Adventure fame

                      • 발견물
                      • 난투와스 ★★★★★ (종교건축물) 경험치:930 명성:355
                        난마돌 유적에서 가장 뛰어난 건조물.「수장의 입 안」이라는 이름을 가지고 있다. 신성한 장소이며,참배길은 고귀한 사람용과 일반인용으로 나뉘어 있다.

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