大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 현지 조달 진행 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      현지 조달 진행
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      You're the one who discovered Pohnpei Island right? There's a scholar interested in the island who is about to embark on research. He wants you to do a preliminary investigation. The preparations for the tp will depend on your report. Land on the island and gather information.

                                1. 폰페이 섬 남쪽 해안 - Click on; Pointed boulder (Northwest - near the entrance)
                                2. 폰페이 섬 남쪽 해안 - Click on; Large boulder (Northwest corner)
                                3. 폰페이 섬 남쪽 해안 - East from the large boulder (Search and Recognition)

                                미발견의 작은 섬 5 7 1 폰페이 섬
                                Recommendation for site investigation
                                까마득한 높이에서 떨어지는 물 4 6 1 앙헬 폭포
                                울려 퍼지는 천둥소리 8 10 1 모시오아 투냐
                                거친 파도의 거대 폭포 11 13 1 나이아가라 폭포

                                1. Sorting information
                                First i started with organizing the information. Speaking of information necessary to the investigation... Food and water. Water is particularly important. Even though it rains a lot, the temperature is high in that region. It'd be nice if there was a place that i could safely secure water, but... Listening intently, i can hear the sound of water from the northwest.

                                2. Rations and water
                                Listening very closely, the sound of the water is very turbulent. It's probably a waterfall. With all the rain and the mountains, it wouln't be strange for there to be waterfalls. If there are fish in the pool at the base of the waterfall, food provisions can be had. I can hear the sound of the water coming from further east.

                                3. Securing route
                                As far as things necessary for an investigation, i looked into a place where food and water could be provisioned. It appears that there is a waterfall. Judging from the sound of the water, it's fairly big one. I'll have to take great care to not slip as i head towards the sound of the water to the east.

                                  • 발견물
                                  • 케프로이 폭포 ★★ (지리) 경험치:360 명성:178
                                    폰페이 섬의 제일 높은 산에서 흘러내려오는 폭포.
                                    폰페이 섬은 비가 많기 때문에 폭포의 물의 양이 많고,박력도 있다. 폭포수가 떨어지는 곳에는 장어가 서식하고 있다.

                                    댓글 안보기

                                    현지 조달 진행 99996932

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