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      태평양의 끝
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      A request has come addressed to you from a European Scholar. Its a request regarding Magellan. He wants you to investigate the paradise Magellan found beyond the pacific, at the edge that felt like hell. You can get the details if you take on the request.

                          엘패소 9 11 1 마젤란 해협
                          마르 파시피코 9 11 1 태평양
                          여행의 끝 10 12 1 세부 섬
                          태평양의 끝 6 8 1 괌 섬

                          1. 자카르타 - Talk to Adventure Mediator (2x)
                          2. 자카르타 - Talk to Laut
                          3. 마닐라 - Talk to Lopez de Legaspi (3x)
                          4. - Talk to Rest House Master
                          5. 동 캐롤라인 해저분지 - use 관찰 , 인식 Directly outside Guam

                          1. Value of accomplishments
                          The requester, a European Scholar, said this, "I heard that before Magellan discovered the island of Cebu, he arrived at a small inhabited island. This island was fateful the crossroads of the route to cross the Pacific Ocean. The value of his legacy can be shown by knowing that his circumnavigation route went through there."

                          2. Find a lonely island out at sea
                          To speak of Magellan's Pacific Ocean crossing, as you know, it took him across a seemingly endless ocean. There was nothing to be seen besides the ocean. The wide ocean is dotted with countless islands. The thing that you're searching for...?

                          3. Ask colleagues
                          You're looking for a small island in this wide ocean? This request is as difficult as trying to find a grain of gold in the desert. But if you're going to do it, then you should ask a sailor who has crossed the same Pacific Ocean. I heard there's someone like that in Manila.

                          4. Legazpi trans-Pacific line
                          Yes, I went west from the New World, crossing the Pacific Ocean, and arrived in this land. I changed locations from Cebu to Manila, but the island I first found upon crossing the Pacific Ocean was a different one. The people of the island were very tall and brawny. They lived at one with nature and their culture looked to be completely different from ours.

                          5. Smell of the West
                          But they had something that seemed out of place in their coexistence with nature. They had swords made from iron. I wasn't able to communicate with them, but they seemed be used to things from the West. And then I felt it. There was some other Westerner who came to the island...

                          6. Make a miracle
                          If my gut feeling was right, it was Magellan who visited the island before me. We both made the gruelling crossing across the Pacific Ocean and found this island paradise. I would never tell you where this island is. The miracle of finding a small island at the end of the ocean is just something that happens.

                          7. Island fashions
                          Yes, there was someone like you who visited the island. They came ashore in search of food and water. So we gave them fruits, fish, meat and water and in return they gave us the tools they were carrying. Give others what they want and get what you want in return. That is the custom of these islands.

                          8. Paradise at the end of the Pacific
                          The island that Magellan and Legazpi found at the end of their ocean crossing seems to have been Guam. If it can be established as a stopping point in the crossing of the Pacific Ocean, then it can set as a guideline for sailors who came after. I'll search the island's surroundings and add it to the report. I think the people of this island with their unique culture will cooperate.


                          Discovery Reward :
                          630 Adventure exp

                          Card Reward :
                          괌 섬 315 Adventure exp

                          Quest Reporting Reward :
                          의뢰 알선서 , 270 Adventure exp , 115 Adventure fame

                            • 발견물
                            • 괌 섬 ★★★★ (지리) 경험치:630 명성:260
                              마닐라 동쪽,뉴기니 북쪽에 위치하는 작은 섬. 마젤란이 태평양을 항해한지 99일째,처음으로 발견한 섬이라고 불리고 있다.

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                              태평양의 끝 99996929

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