大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 국왕의 비석 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      국왕의 비석
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      A mysterious stele was discovered at the landing point north of Hanyang the other day. A scholar investigating that stele would like a helping hand in his study. Could you head to Hanyang and help him out?

                        1. 한양 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                        2. 항주 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                        3. 조선 반도 북쪽 해안 - Northwest corner of map near "Large Boulder" use 관찰 and 탐색

                        동서의 종교 교류 3 5 1 대진경교유행중국비
                        Currently here
                        부자의 증표 4 6 4 부러진 검의 파편

                        승패를 결정하는 시문 2 4 1 을지문덕의 시문

                        Location of the Stele
                        Yes, I went and investigated the stele--it was located in the former region of Goguryeo. On the stele there was what I thought to be an engraved pattern that upon close inspection was revealed to be Chinese lettering. I think I may leave the rest of the study to the scholar in Hangzhou, as he is more knowledgeable of Chinese writing.

                        Stele's Chinese Lettering
                        I had no idea there was a stele in that region! So the stele is engraved with Chinese characters and is located where Goguryeo once proposed... Hmm... If that is the case, I imagine this discovery could be historically significant for not only Goguryeo, but Silla and Paekche as well. I must begin a study immediately! Will you join me?

                        To the Northern Land
                        The scholar has asked you to accompany him in the stele investigation. Head to the landing point north of Hanyang for the study.

                          • 발견물
                          • 광개토대왕릉비 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:330 명성:165
                            고구려의 장수왕이 세웠다는 비석. 장수왕의 부친이자 고구려의 제 19대 왕인 광개토대왕의 업적이 기록되어 있다.

                            댓글 안보기

                            국왕의 비석 99996886

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