大航海時代 DB

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      예능의 새로운 바람
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      Are you familiar with the traditional arts? Down near Hangzhou, they have come up with a ne art that is kind of like a merge of art with foreign art styles. A folkorist has requested we investigate it.
      Go to Hangzhou and investigate.

                      1. 항주 - Talk to Tavern Keeper
                      2. 항주 서고 - Talk to Scholar x5
                      3. 항주 - Near the Shopkeeper use 관찰 and 탐색

                      경극 의상
                      의뢰 알선서
                      Adventure Experience: 800, Adventure Card: 400
                      Adventure Experience: 170, Adventure Fame: 96

                      Chinese Opera
                      Traditional arts? I wonder if they are talking about the Chinese opera that's being talked about at the capital. It's supposedly based on the dances and songs of this area. But ever since it has become popular they call it Chinese opera. Ask someone with a good head. Why? Cause they say it started in the Imperial Court.

                      Art with a long history
                      If you seek out the origins of this new art that is so popular at the capital, you will eventually come to Bugaku. Bugaku are court songs and music,and have existed since the time of the Three Kingdoms. It's popularity is tied to the rise and fall of the country. It comes in contract with. It's current form first appeared around the Song period.

                      Theatre of the Song Period
                      Crafts among the common folk gained popularity during the Song period, so entertainment gained popularity as a way of relaxing. Towns begin to have small theatres, and Bugaku began to spread throughout the common folk. This form of theatre spread to many lands absorbing local influences and evolving even after the end of the Song period.

                      A Dancer's Passion
                      That reminds me. A dancer from town here was summoned to the capital. Before she left she said this. 'Our theatre has been reborn as this new Chinese Opera, but it will continue to be refined as it comes in contract with other cultures.'

                      Things to Protect, Things that Change
                      Art flows between things you want to keep and things that change. Just like History. That's why we remember old things and need to value them. The dancer agreed with me and donated her costume to the town. She hopes it will encourage those studying the arts.

                      To Future Growth
                      If you don't mind, will you accept one of those costumes? Your report will someday influence many cultures. And I hope it will return to us here in this new art form. The costumes are being stored near the Item Shop. The storage box is locked, so be careful.

                      The New Art form, Chinese Opera
                      This new art form was born near Hangzhou, but has managed to spread and thrive at the capital. It has a long history, and has evolved numerous times along the way.
                      A costume used in this new art form is stored near the Item Shop at Hangzhou. I shall include that in my report.

                        • 발견물
                        • 경극 의상 ★★★★ (보물) 경험치:800 명성:330
                          「경극」이라 불리는 중국 예능에서 착용하는 의상. 민중들 사이에서 발전한「극곡」이 수도에서 인기를 얻어「경극」이라 불리게 되었다. 공연 주제로는 삼국지연의와 수호지 등,대중에 인기가 높은 작품이 많다.

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