大航海時代 DB

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      대만파랑까치 보호 의뢰
      기한 없음
      한양 모험가조합
      You're the one that investigated the Taiwan magpie, aren't you? Chien-Hung of Tamsui has sent a request for you to care for a magpie that has been hurt. The townsfolk have been trying to capture it, but it tries to fly away whenever they approach. So they can't get close to it. The rest you can hear from the one making the request.

                1. 단수이 - Talk to Chien-Hung
                2. 단수이 남동쪽 - Click the Diagonal Boulder in the south (2x)
                3. 단수이 - Talk to Chien-Hung (2x)

                하늘거리는 꼬리 깃털 5 7 1 대만파랑까치

                Chien-Hung's Concerns
                The magpie was found near the diagonal boulder on the outskirts of town a few days ago. It was extremely weak. It couldn't even remain in the tree, much less fly. When we approach it, it tries to attack us. But if we leave it there, it will surely be eaten by other animals. Will you take care of it?

                Taiwan magpie on the ground
                I can see a Taiwan magpie lying there on the ground. Even from a distance I can see the characteristic 2 tails are all ragged. Perhaps it had been attacked. Upon a closer look, I can see chicks huddling underneath the bird. Perhaps she is merely protecting her young. For now, I will try to carefully approach.

                Returning the chick
                Though she hasn't attacked as I approach, her cries are unceasing. She is at the limit of her strength. I found a nest in nearby branch. It is likely the chick fell from there. The bird's crying stops when I return the bird to the nest. I shall have to be careful carrying it into town.

                Those who want bird wings
                I see, so that was why it was attacking. It looks extremely weak, but the only wounds I can see are on its tail. It should recover if we can keep it quiet for a time. But this tail.. The truth is there have been rumors that someone has been catching birds in the area for their feathers and down.

                For the magpie
                I was actually looking to see if the rumors were true when I ran across this bird. It is not safe for it here in this town. Do you think that you can take it with you? I am sure it would be safe with you.

                Taking care of the magpie
                It appears that there are people in town who are after the unique feathers and down of this bird. I'm certain it tried to escape the ones that were chasing it. But it can't do that in its current state. If left here, they will catch it. Once I have decided to help the bird, I will tak to Chien-Hung.

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