大航海時代 DB

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        사르디니아섬 정찰
        기한 없음
        알렉산드리아 해양조합
        We have a request from the military. They want you to go scout the island of Sardinia in the middle of the Mediterranean. You can receive your orders near Sardinia at the port office of Tunis.

                      Tunis Port Official

                      You're a guild scout, yes? Sardinia is located northeast of this town. This time, please sneak into Cagliari and get the latest news about conditions at a place where locals gather. However, there is also word that foreign patrol squadrons are also making the rounds. By all means be on guard!

                      Cagliari tavern keeper

                      The conditions around here? It's been calm lately. A fleet from Naples patrols regularly, so neither pirates nor Turks dare poke their heads up. Anyhow, recently it's become obvious that spies from Tunis are infiltrating. Old merchant, isn't that right?

                      Cagliari merchant

                      Yea, I heard about it from an official I know. The navy patrols have already been deployed, and they're like mice in a trap. The coastline is a zone for special navy patrols. The Turks also seem to be trying to step up sneaking spies in, but they haven't been successful.

                      The guard around Sardinia is quite exacting, and invasions by the Ottoman Turk navy are picked up on quickly. More than that, it's become difficult for them to survive. Crush the patrol fleet off Syracuse's eastern shore to break through the patrol squadron's siege.

                      Sardegna Patrol Fleet.

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                          사르디니아섬 정찰 99996402

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