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      키위의 날개
      기한 없음
      리스본 모험가조합
      We got a request from an aristocrat here who apparently wants to know why kiwi birds have no wings. They're looking for a Sailor who's in the know. Get the details directly from the client.

                        1. 리스본 - Talk to Noble 2x (right of company shop)
                        2. 리스본 리스본 서고 - Talk to Scholar 2x
                        3. 발렌시아 - Talk to Traveling Scholar 5x (near harbor port official)
                        4. 리스본 - Talk to Noble (right of company shop)
                        *you can pick up your pets from the Trainer in any European capital city, usually located near the square

                        (original data courtesy of JR)

                        털투성이 5 7 1 키위

                        The owner's feelings
                        I finally get to meet someone that knows kiwis. Actually, I have a kiwi too, every time I look at it I get this strange feeling. Kiwis are so friendly, why don't they have wings? To create a bird that can't fly, God can do cruel things.

                        What the owner wants to know
                        That's why I at least wanted to know, why kiwis don't have wings. It may be a slightly odd request, but can you find out why? For a start, why don't you ask a scholar?

                        What the scholar does not understand
                        You want to know why Kiwi don't have wings? Sadly, there is too little literature to be positive about anything. It is the first reported organism since long ocean voyages became possible, so it remains mostly a mystery. But, it does not mean there are no other means of finding out.

                        The Valencian colleague
                        Basically among scholars, there are those like me who favour literary research, and those who favour field research. From what I hear, there is someone of the same trade as myself, that is familiar with foreign lands in Valencia. That person might know something.

                        Souvenir talk from the scholar on the journey
                        Do you know about kiwi? It is an interesting bird. I have seen it in Wanganui. Why it doesn't have wings is still a mystery. I don't know if this will help, but I will introduce you to a local kiwi myth...

                        The myths of Aotearoa's forests
                        This is a story about the forest, god and birds. In the forest of Aotearoa, there was a god called Tane. It is the god that created and protects the forest. And one day, something happened that troubled the god. The trees of the forest started to wither. God gathered it's children the birds, and had a talk...

                        Questioning the forest god
                        God said: The trees are dying, because the bugs under ground are eating them. Somebody must get rid of the bugs. But the birds were silent. A bird, crawling on the ground to get rid of bugs? Such a thing would be too hard. And then, one beautiful bird spoke. "I will go"...

                        For everyone
                        That bird was a kiwi. God said: To look for bugs on the ground, you must sacrifice those beautiful wings. And, to get rid of bugs you must eat bugs for life. The Kiwi said: "Even so, I will go". God nodded, and put a spell on the kiwi...

                        Change appearance
                        And the kiwi lost its brilliant wings, and became the bug-eating protector of the forest. God said to the kiwi: "You have lost your beautiful appearance and wings. But, you will be honoured as a hero, and your story will be told for eternity". ...That is the story I heard. Have I been any help?

                        Wingless reason
                        The story I heard from the Valencian scholar was very interesting. According to the Aotearoran myth, the kiwis lost their wings to protect the forest and the birds. Let's go report to the client.


                        Wingless reason
                        The fact that it lost its wings is proof of its noble soul. The kiwi is not a bird that should be felt sorry for. It is a noble bird. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your report. Ah, yes. I almost forgot. Would you like to live with such a little hero as well? The handler is already taking care of some other kiwis. You should go pick one up sometime.


                        Reward: 40 Adventure Exp, 16 Adventure fame, 키위(흑갈색)

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