大航海時代 DB

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      유명한 거울
      기한 없음
      마르세이유 모험가조합
      I want you to investgate a tool that has abruptly come into use recently. This is a request from a young lady in town, so go find out the details from her. You won't hear anything too unreasonable. I was thinking about having you take care of his investigation. You should be able to take care of t.

              1. 마르세이유 - 마르세이유 서고 City Girl next to Archives
              2. 마르세이유 - talk to Scholar
              3. 나폴리 - stop at Market and buy 5 Ceramics
              4. 베네치아 - talk to Port Official
              5. 베네치아 원수공저택 - talk to Cabinet Secretary Mocenigo (2x) - hand over 5 Ceramics

              Mirror, Mirror
              I would like you to find out about this mirror. It reflects astonishingly well. But where do you think it was made? If you can find out where and how it was made, it should be easier to get more. So that's what I want you to find out. Perhaps a Scholar might know.

              For mirrors, go Venetian
              Until now most were polished metal plates, but now good mirrors seem to be more common. Quality products come from Venice. They're very popular, more than ones from other countries. If you want to find out about mirrors, then perhaps try the Venice Port?

              Unrelated to commoners
              Manufacture of mirrors? Why would I know anything about that. Manufacturing is the countries most prized secret, the public know nothing about it. Spies have come from other cities, but all failed, if you really want to know, the only thing you could do is ask the Minister directly.

              Settle the matter
              So there still people trying to discover how mirrors are made. And coming empty handed is rather unsophisticated. First, bring back 5 crates of ceramics to show good faith. You should be able to get them in Naples. That's easy enough isn't it?

              Learning from the past
              In this city flat mirrors made from tin and mercury are produced in large quality. The technique was developed in the glassworks over many years. Do you understand? The country strictly manages skilled craftsman so that they can't be lured away. It will be a long time before other countries can make mirrors! Ha ha ha!

              The secret of the Venetian mirror
              In Venice flat mirrors made from tin and mercury are mass produced. Glassworking technique is used, so it will be difficult for other cities to compete.

              의뢰 알선서


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