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            아테네 모험가조합
            This request is from a Craftsman who makes jewelry. They want you to gather writings regarding rings from ancient documents. I guess they are increasing their knowledge about their field? That's enthusiasm. If you go to the area around Naples, there should be some documents remaining.

                                  1. 나폴리 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                                  2. 나폴리 서고 - Read Archaeology Archives 2X

                                  Description regarding the ring

                                  In ancient times, rings appear to have been used for other things besides just jewellry. I have records of this in my book collection.

                                  The Republic, Private Edition

                                  The shepherd took the ring off the corpse that he randomly happened upon, and it was a magical item. By turning the settings of the gems one way, his body would become transparent, and turning it back would turn him visible again.

                                  The Seven Wise Masters, Latin Edition, Manuscript

                                  One day, the king took his favourite night on a hunt with him. On the hand that the knight used to draw the bow, he recognized the ring. It was the ring that the king had given to the queen when they were young to prove his love.

                                  The Naples library

                                  From ancient times, rings were not worn by themselves as decoration, but held magic powers and held meaning as proof of love. In the Library in Naples, they have old writings about rings. That should be enough documentation.

                                  의뢰 알선서

                                  모험가 경험 10 획득 모험가 명성 4 획득 의뢰알선서 1 입수

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