大航海時代 DB

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직업 부관 장비품


임시 대피소에도 모든 길은 로마로 통한다 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      모든 길은 로마로 통한다
      기한 없음
      아테네 모험가조합
      I have a request from a builder from another country. He has been contracted to build an army road and would like you to investigate if there are any other roads he can reference regarding how it is paved. Martinengo in this town is also a builder and might be able to help you.

                    1. 아테네 마르티넹고 저택 - Martinengo: Talk to
                    2. 나폴리 서고 - Scholar: Talk to
                    3. 나폴리 근교 - 인식

                    1. As Caesar famously said...
                    Among military roads, perhaps the most famous are the paved roads of the Roman Empire.
                    Caesar himseld said "All roads lead to Rome," and this road system whole-heartedly encompassed that idea. The roman roads connected a number of important cities together. I guess they run to Naples too?

                    2. The oldest of roads
                    The oldest of the roman roads, the Appian Way, runs through the north of our town. It hasn't been used very much since the fall of the Roman Empire, however.
                    I sometimes take a stroll along it, and have to admit it is inspiring to think of all the great men who passed along it before me; Hannibal, Scipio, Caesar.

                    3. Roads of ancient Rome
                    In the north of Naples there is a paved road that was built during the Roman Empire.
                    It hasn't been used much since the fall of the Empire, but it should offer some clues on building roads. After all, it was a military thoroughfare that has supported a history of war. Head north to the outskirts of Naples and see the road for yourself.

                    Discovery Reward:
                    230 (115) Adventure Exp

                    Card Reward:
                    아피아의 가도 , 115 (57) Adventure Exp

                    Report Quest Reward:
                    의뢰 알선서 , 200 (100) Adventure Exp, 40 (20) Adventure Fame

                      • 발견물
                      • 아피아의 가도 ★★ (사적) 경험치:230 명성:115
                        공화제 로마시대에 만들어진,로마에서 이탈리아 반도의 동해안 쪽으로 뻗은 가도. 로마의 가도 중에서도 가장 역사가 오래되었고 가장 아름답다고 전해지고 있다.

                        댓글 안보기

                        2013-07-19 17:31
                        북쪽에 붉은 꽃 주변입니다.

                        2013-07-19 17:34
                        └ ㅈㅅ 붉은 꽃 가기 전 입니다.

                        모든 길은 로마로 통한다 99995156

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