大航海時代 DB

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-발견물 -장식품 -지도

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      밤의 앵무새
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      I suppose you are comfortable now with investigating animals on the southeast continent. Would you like to accept his Guild request? You can hear stories in Kakadu of a bird that comes out and walks around after the sun sets. We'd like you to find out what kind of animal this is. I'm counting on you!


                        진귀한 새는 없을까 4 6 1 왕관앵무

                        1. 카카두 - Talk to Seafarer
                        2. 왕가누이 - Talk to Rest House Master (3x)

                        3. 왕가누이 서쪽 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 near the Large Boulder in the northeast.

                        To Wanganui
                        You're investigating a bird that walks around on the ground? There's none of those in this area. But some live on the island to the far southeast of here. When I went to that island for work, I heard stories about that bird. If you're looking for it, why not ask one of the locals in person? The town there is called Wanganui.

                        The toddling bird
                        A bird that walks on the ground? I know about that. One of my customers once was talking about it. He had just returned from outside the gates at the break of dawn. The night before when it was starting to get dark, he was picking up firewood in order to set up camp. Suddenly, a prancing bird appeared before him. So he set out after it...

                        Gathering of birds
                        He then arrived in a kind of small clearing. What he saw next was stunning. there were many birds either digging holes, crying out in loud voices or simply watching the others. Dozens of the same type of bird were gathered together. Not wanting to disturb them, he left and passed away the night.

                        Flightless bird
                        Well, I'm sure you can find that bird, too, without having to see them all gathered together. Why not go outside of town and search for it? According to his story, that bird can't fly, so it might not be hard to find.

                        Investigation of the night owl
                        When night falls, the walking bird is apparently known to gather together with dozens of its kind. Supposedly, this type of bird is flightless. Search for it outside the gates at Wanganui.

                          • 발견물
                          • 카카포 ★★★ (조류) 경험치:462 명성:210
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