大航海時代 DB

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      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      I hear stories about a strange animal from the town of Kakadu on the continent southeast of hear. Apparently it looks like a ball of hair with a beak and legs sticking out of it. This current request is to find out about that animal. Go ask the Port Official about how to sail to Kakadu.

                  1. 자카르타 - Talk to Port Official
                  2. 카카두 - Talk to Rest House Master
                  3. 카카두 - Talk to Seafarer (x3)
                  6. 왕가누이 서쪽 - Use 관찰 , 생태 조사 near the Giant Dead Tree

                  키위의 날개 1 1

                  1. Course as far as Kakadu
                  Then you're going to Kakadu? Head straight southeast from this town and you'll reach the mainland. Then sail along the land to the northeast until you see a town. I think you'll have to travel quite some distance, though. Please don't attempt this journey until you're fully prepared.

                  2. A bird?
                  A creature that looks like a clump of hair? If it has a beak and legs, then what in the world could that be? Most living things have hair covering their body and some legs. If it has a beak, too, then maybe it's a bird? Come to think of it, that Sailor over there was talking about something just like that.

                  3. Are you ready for this?
                  I heard that... Maybe I did start that story. Well, if you've come to search for the creature, I'm afraid you're in for a rather perilous sea journey. In that region, there are many storms and you often hear of people getting shipwrecked. If you really think you're ready, I don't mind telling you about it, though...

                  4. What kind of animal?
                  Alright then. I'll tell you what I know. The creature is covered in brown hair over its whole body and it has legs and a beak like a bird. Although it has no wings. It only walks around on the ground. As for the place where you can find it...

                  5. Habitat
                  Head east from this town along the land. If you keep sailing, you'll eventually reach the eastern edge of this landmass. Continue east and you should see a town. The creature you're looking for can be found in the outskirts of that town. In addition to the long distance, there aren't any places where you can restock on food. You better prepare very carefully.

                  6. Investigation of a bird like animal
                  This creature has no wings, but has legs and a beak like a bird. You've learned that its habitat is on the outskirts of a town located east of the eastern tip of the landmass Kakadu is on. It's a dangerous sea journey, so you'll need to prepare fully before heading out.

                  의뢰 알선서


                  FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                  발견시 경험치: 420, 발견물 카드 획득 경험치: 105
                  보고시 경험치: 320, 보고시 명성: 105, 의뢰 알선서 6장 획득

                    • 발견물
                    • 키위 ★★★ (조류) 경험치:462 명성:210
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