大航海時代 DB

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      왕조를 지탱하는 강
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      This is a request from the Scholar. At the tip of the Malaysian peninsular there is a kingdom called Ayutthaya, and it is said that this kingdom grew large because of the river flowing nearby. He apparently wants to know whether it was really due to the river. First go and ask around in Malacca

                      1. 말라카 - talk to Seaferer
                      2. 말라카 - talk to Merchant
                      3. 지아딘 - talk to Shopkeeper
                      4. 지아딘 - talk to Market Keeper
                      5. 시암만 - around Coordinate 4666,4243 near 로프부리 관찰 인식

                      1. Reason for being in trade port
                      Many of the towns around here, including this one, have developed as a place for trade between the east and the west. The Ayutthaya Kingdom also grew on trade. However, the centre of Ayutthaya is pretty far from the sea. It was able to trade thanks to the great river near it.

                      2. Land that promised a rich harvest
                      Having a river close by means always facing the risk of water damage. For example, during rainy season, the crops always get flooded. Hmm, but they always manage to get a rice harvest... 지아딘 had the same geography, maybe you can find out more there.

                      3. Floating rice
                      It's simple. we grow crops that don't drown. They're called floating rice, and can stretch themselves out when the water level rises. They can grow to the height of four men. They're also tough crops that don't require too much attention.

                      4. Wealth that is stored
                      There's always a rice surplus in Ayutthaya, thanks to the floating rice. the nation to the north buys all of the surplus every year anyway. The river supplies the trade route. Can you ask for anything more? Oh, the river? It's inland from the bay to the west.

                      5. River that supports a dynasty
                      Inland from the bay to the west of Giah dinh is a prospering kingdom named Ayutthaya. This kingdom uses its rice crops and access to a great river for trade, gathering riches quickly.
                      I should research this river and add it to my report.

                      의뢰 알선서

                      챠오프라야 강


                      discovery give 636(318), card give 318(159)
                      adventure exp 290, fame 100 and 의뢰 알선서

                        • 발견물
                        • 챠오프라야 강 ★★★★ (지리) 경험치:636 명성:265
                          지아딘 서쪽에 펼쳐지는 만의 가장 안쪽에 하구를 가진 대하.하류지역에서는 풍부한 수량을 이용하여 벼농사가 행해지고 있다.운하로도 이용된다.

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                          왕조를 지탱하는 강 99994959

                          노아의 방주 프로젝트 완성! 大航海時代DB 신관 오픈! https://dhodb.com/