大航海時代 DB

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      열도의 동쪽 끝부분
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      Thank you for exploring the archipelago east of Bali island. Your report was very interesting. By the way, you reported that island at the east of this island chain was the biggest - I wonder what kind of island it is. I wonder if you could go investigate? You should gather information at Makassar. I'm counting on you!

                    1. 마카사르 - Young Man
                    2. 마카사르 - Merchant
                    3. 마카사르 - Shopkeeper
                    4. 마카사르 - Seaferer
                    5. 반다 해 - the south west tip of Dili(5760,5050) 관찰 SKILL:30000016]

                    열도 횡단 항로 4 6 1 대순다 열도
                    열도에서 더 동쪽으로 4 6 1 소순다 열도
                    Eastern tip of the archipelago 티모르 섬
                    태양이 떠오르는 곳 6 8 1 뉴기니 섬

                    다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 아라푸라 해
                    다 쓰여지지 않은 지도 반다 해

                    1. Arid region
                    I heard that the island south of here doesn't get much rain. I don't know if that's the reason, but the trees are sparse there. It should be comfortably dry there. However, getting water might be tricky. The trade-off is... difficult.

                    2. Source of sandalwood
                    True, growing crops is difficult in the southern islands, but there is one island that has high-quality aromatic trees. It's the easternmost island in the archipelago east of Java. The tree is called sandalwood. Its scent is sweet and elegant!

                    3. Ikat
                    Do you know about the textile called ikat? They weave those in the southern islands, during the dry season. When dying the cloth, they tie it with a string to keep the dye away from certain parts to create a pattern. It takes a lot of work. It depicts ancestors and spirits, so you have to treat it well.

                    4. Rivalry of warlords
                    I've heard that the Portuguese have come to the easternmost island on the archipelago to the south. Unfortunately, that island is not united under a nation. There are dozens of different regional lords, known as Raja in the west and Liurai in the east, so it doesn't seem like an easy place to move into...

                    5. Island at the east tip of the peninsula
                    The easternmost island of the Lesser Sunda Islands produces sandalwood. There, during the dry season, they produce beautiful textiles known as ikats. The Portuguese are coming in now, but there are many different local lords there.
                    I should get a look at the island and report.

                    의뢰 알선서


                      • 발견물
                      • 티모르 섬 ★★★ (지리) 경험치:473 명성:215
                        소순다열도 중에서도 가장 동쪽에 있는 섬.강우량이 적어 농사에 적합한 토지라고는 할 수 없다.
                        그러나 값비싼 향료인 백단이 생산된다고 한다.

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