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      의문에 둘러싸인 고대신
      기한 없음
      포르토벨로 모험가조합
      Since you seem to know a lot about the Aztec pantheon, this should be an ideal task for you; Northwest of Vera Cruz there is soil can you land on, and there is a structure there whose walls are fully adorned with reliefs. I would like you to leran more about the god represented in those reliefs. Ask around in Vera Cruz first.

                            1. 베라크루스 - Resident
                            2. 멕시코만 남서쪽 해안 - around stacked boulder(most south one)

                            1. Temple of Quetzalpapalotl
                            You must be talking about the Palace of Quetzalpapalotl. He is an old god that ppears in the myths from long ago. He's a mysterious figure, and no one knows what he does. Even the locals have a hard time getting to that site, but if you go there, you should be able to find out more about Quetzalpapalotl.

                            2. Investigation of the temple
                            The relief to investigate depicted a god named Quetzalpapalotl. Not much about the god is known, and even the locals are unaware of the details. I cannot get near the palace, but I was told that if I land on the shore to the north-west of Veracruz, I should be able to find something related to that god. I should take a look.

                            의뢰 알선서


                            FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                            발견 시 - 모험경험 430, 발견물 카드 획득 시 - 모험경험 107,
                            보고 시 - 모험경험 280, 모험명성 95, 의뢰알선서 6장 입수

                              • 발견물
                              • 케트아르파파로톨상 ★★★ (종교유물) 경험치:473 명성:215
                                메소아메리카의 고대 신화에 등장하는 신화상의 신으로 여겨진다.케트아르파파로톨이라는 것은「깃털로 덮힌 나비」라는 의미로 어떤 역할을 하고 있는지는 분명치않다.

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