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      메소포타미아 문명의 탐구
      기한 없음
      아덴 모험가조합
      It seems that ancient Mesopotamian civilisations lived in the area where Basra is now located. And the kingdom of Babylonia arose out of one of those civilisations. We've now received a request from a Scholar searching about that dynasty. Search in the vicinity of Basra for information that might help them solve the mysteries of Mesopotamian civilisations.

                          1. 바스라 - Talk to Customer
                          2. 페르시아만 북쪽 해안 - Landing point east of Basra 관찰 탐색 location is SW of Stacked Boulders

                          Search for Mesopotamian culture 함무라비법전
                          별이 머무는 장소 9 11 1 길가메시의 서사시

                          바빌론의 포로 8 10 8 스룹바벨의 점토판
                          바빌로니아법전 1

                          1. Tablet with cuneiform characters
                          Someone told me before of finding fragments of intricate stone tables at a place in the east. On the stone tablets were carved curious symbols. I have no need of them but you may find them of great value.

                          2. Search for the tablet
                          There is report that fragments of stone tablets have been found east of Basra. With a little more searching, a larger archeological discovery may be found. Make land and look around the layered rocks.

                          의뢰 알선서


                          FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                          발견시 경험치 730, 카드 경험치 182, 함무라비법전
                          보고시 경험치 220, 명성 240, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득

                            • 발견물
                            • 함무라비법전 ★★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:949 명성:360
                              고대바빌론의 함무라비 왕이 제정한 설형문자로 된 법전. 세계에서 가장 오래된 성문법이며 `눈에는 눈,이에는 이를`. 공정한 처벌을 한다는 의미다.

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                              메소포타미아 문명의 탐구 99994669

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