검은 털의 생물
기한 없음
잔지바르 모험가조합
There's a request for you from the Mozambique town official. Remember those creatures with the striped tails that you investigated before? Well, there are apparently creatures that look a lot like those that he would like you to look into. Ask him personally for the details.
모잠비크 - Talk to City Official
타마타브 - Talk to City Official
타마타브 - Talk to Boy (at the end of the jetty)
타마타브 - Talk to Seafarer
마다가스카르 서쪽 해안 - Use
관찰 and
생태 조사 in northwest near Mammal Bones
아프리카의 거목 1
바오밥나무 백과 흑의 줄무늬 2
호랑이꼬리여우원숭이 A black-furred creature
옷깃의 색 3
목도리여우원숭이 정령의 춤 4
시파카 숲의 코러스 6
인드리 1. Different patterns
This happened to me after I received your report about the striped tailed creature when I was on my way to Madagascar. I found a creature similar to the one you described in your report, but the fur on its whole body was black. I want you to got to Tamatave to find out if this is the same creature or not.
2. Different colours
Sometimes I see a creature with black fur like you're describing in the forest. They always seem to be together with another creature that looks exactly like it, only with brown fur. I've never seen them with any kind of creature with a striped tail though.
3. Relationship of black and brown
The creature with black fur and the one with the striped tail look similar but are most likely different species. However, it does have a close relationship with the brown furred creature. The colour of their fur determines if they are male or female. Head inland from the landing point on the west coast of this island to investigate further.
4. Investigation of an animal with black fur
It seems as though the striped tailed creature is a completely different species from the black and brown furred creatures. However, the colour of those creatures' fur is how to determine if they are male of female. I should head inland from the west coast of Madagascar and look around large trees.
의뢰 알선서 검은여우원숭이FiveStarStory
http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717 발견시 경험치 210, 카드 경험치 52
보고시 경험치 180, 명성 130, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득
- 발견물
- 검은여우원숭이 ★★ (중형생물) 경험치:210 명성:105
수컷은 검정,암컷은 빨강이나 갈색,회색의 털을 하고 있다. 어느 쪽이나,귀에 길고 복실한 털이 있다. 나무의 과실등을 먹는다.
1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.