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      우드가토리제관의 성전
      기한 없음
      케이프타운 모험가조합
      You know a lot about the Rigveda, don't you? We received a request to investigate another sacred text. Sound alright? It seems, though, that it also contains hymns from the Rigveda, but it's used quite differently. You should start by consulting with a Scholar in Calicut.

                    1. 캘리컷 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                    2. 캘리컷 - Talk to Temple Staff
                    3. 고어 사원 - 관찰 탐색

                    호토리제관의 성전 4 6 1 리그베다
                    Bible of Priest Udgartary
                    브라만제관의 성전 4 6 1 아타르바베다
                    아드바리유제관의 성전 4 6 1 야주르베다
                    힌두의 최고신 5 7 1 브라만상

                    1. The four Veda
                    The Vedas in Hinduism are comprised of four text. If it is a Veda that is one of the hymns is the Rigveda, then maybe you want the Samaveda. It's content has similar songs of praise but they are used in a different manner. I think a temple priest would know more.

                    2. The Veda of song
                    The Samaveda are Vedas sung according to the saman, or melody. Therefore, they are sung by special priests. If you would like to learn more about their content, then go to the temple in Goa.

                    3. Could it be a collection of songs of worship?
                    The Samaveda are collection of hymns wich are sung according to a melody. To find out about them, go to the temple in Goa.

                    의뢰 알선서




                      • 발견물
                      • 사마베다 ★★ (종교유물) 경험치:390 명성:180
                        힌두교 성전 중의 하나. 리그베다와 똑같이 신들에 대한 찬가가 정리된 것으로 시가에 노래를 붙여 부르는 우도가토리 제관을 위한 것이다.

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                        우드가토리제관의 성전 99994560

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