大航海時代 DB

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직업 부관 장비품


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          믿을 수 없는 속도
          기한 없음
          아덴 모험가조합
          So you've been to the African savannah? Then you may have already seen it, but there's a beast of prey there that can run at an incredible speed. There's probably no other animal that's faster than it. Well, I'd like you to investigate it. Why not see if there is someone knowledgeable about it in Sofala?

                            1. 소팔라 - Talk to Craftsman
                            2. 소팔라 - Talk to Resident

                            3. 아프리카 남동쪽 해안 - east of entrance near the Stacked Boulders.


                            일격! 10 12 1 재거노트

                            Running like flying
                            I've seen it. Whilst out foraging on the savannah, I happened to see it. It hid in the thicket, and then, when prey came by, it gave chase with incredible speed. It really seemed to fly. That said, can't seem to cover long distances well. Someone else must've seen this thing.

                            Stretching and shrinking
                            I've seen it, too. There's no escape for any human attacked by that thing. Its body is very supple, and when running supports more elasticity than any animal I know. The color of its coat is spot on withered grass, making it difficult to see. Careful that you don't stumble on to it.

                            Hunter the colour of dry grass
                            Seems that there is some fierce, withered grass color-like animal lurking in the savannah. Moves with stunning speed, they say. Disembarking at Sofura's northeast, investigate the rock piles in the east, all the while making sure not to get dangerously close.

                              • 발견물
                              • 치타 ★★★★★ (대형생물) 경험치:828 명성:345
                                가늘고 긴 몸을 한 맹수. 몸이 굉장히 유연하여 전속력으로 달리면 말보다도 훨씬 빠르다. 사냥하는 방법은 살짝 다가가서 한번에 덮친다. 표범과 조금 닮았지만 나무에는 오르지 않는 모양이다.

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