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            고대 페르시아 대궁전
            기한 없음
            캘리컷 모험가조합
            Apparently, there wasan empire in ancient Persia comparable to the Ottoman Empire. It was eventually destroyed by Alexander the Great, but an empire that large must have boasted an exquisite palace. I'd like you to go find it; you might want to start by talking to Hormuz.

                          1. 호르무즈 - Talk to City Official
                          2. 바스라 - Talk to Travelling Archaeologist (West of Market)
                          3. 바스라 - Talk to Young Man (Near craftshop)
                          4. 쿠헤라흐마트 - Landing point East of Basra 관찰 인식

                          Pre-Requisite for:
                          크세르크세스 1세의 유물 1 3 1 크세르크세스1세의 석상
                          아케메네스 왕조의 최후 1 3 1 다리우스3세의 갑옷
                          아케메네스 왕조의 황금 시대 4 6 4 다리우스1세의 투구
                          태워진 유적 2 4 1 아파다나의 부조
                          곰 옷, 준비 완료? 1

                          고대 페르시아 인장의 지도 고대 페르시아 인장의 지도

                          1. Control from India to Egypt
                          If they were destroyed by Alexander, that must be the Archaemenid empire of Persia. It was the largest empire in about 500 B.C. I hear that the capital was inland from Basra. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a palace. If there is, it might be near Basra

                          2. No trace of a palace in the capital
                          Hahaha, i had the same thought, and searched everywhere in the spot thought to be the capital of the Archaemenid empire of Persia. I found clay tablets and ruins of houses, but no palace. Perhaps the cost of expeditions grew so much that they were unable to build a place. But it can't be known for sure without more investigating.

                          3. There's a place with a pillar
                          And old palace... Now that you mention it, if you travel inland from here toward Hormuz, there is a place where the rocks are lined up like pillars... I went near them one time, but the pillars were broken and rocks were fallen down... It was a little eerie. I dodn't think it looked anything like a palace, but it might be worth investigating?

                          4. Collapsed old stone pillar
                          I hear there is a place between Basra and Hormuz where half-fallen pillars are lined up. It's unclear if it's the ruins of a palace, but it might be related to the Archaemenid empire. Look for a place to go on shore and proceed inland to investigate

                          의뢰 알선서

                          페르세폴리스 유적

                          FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                          발견시 경험치 220, 카드 경험치 55
                          보고시 경험치 110, 명성 110, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                            • 발견물
                            • 페르세폴리스 유적 ★★ (사적) 경험치:220 명성:75
                              아케메네스 왕조 페르시아의 다리우스 1세가 착공한 페르시아 대궁전의 유적. 광대한 부지에 다수의 돌기둥과 독특한 석상,훌륭한 부조가 남아 있다.

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                              고대 페르시아 대궁전 99994544

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