大航海時代 DB

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            고대 문명의 대도시
            기한 없음
            캘리컷 모험가조합
            You know the Indus River, right? They say early civilizations thrived near large rivers like the Indus, and they've actually found ancient relics and tools along the riverbed, but no buildings or structures. Can you look for some? Ask around in Diu.

                        1. 디우 - Speak with Girl (alley to the left of Rest House Master)
                        2. 디우 - Speak with Customer (Rest House Master's right hand side)
                        3. 디우 - Speak with Resident (close to Market Keeper)
                        4. 캘리컷 서고 - Browse Books: 지리학
                        5. 캘리컷 서고 - Speak with Scholar
                        6. 페르시아만 - Landing point northwest of Diu, proceed into next area
                        7. 신드 지방 - Inside the ruins infront of the path entrance (watch out for lvl 46 NPC) 관찰 인식

                        인도의 어머니 강 3 5 1 인더스강
                        Metropolis of the ancient civilization

                        모헨조다로의 맹자 1 12 6
                        고대의 수수께끼 7 9 1 유리제조각
                        고대 도구의 지도 map of ancient tools ★ 1 청동기파편

                        1. Used to play house
                        When i play house, I look for dishes and bowls outside. Sometimes I find bowls with pretty patterns on them. I found about five. My friends have some too. No way! It's my treasure. An old man who came to the resting place wanted it too. If he would play house, I would mix up things and give to him...

                        2. A lot of earthenware
                        So you've come to investigate this area as well? Lots of pottery is unearthed, but for some reason no remnants of dwellings.
                        There should have been a lot of civilizations that flourished in the Indus River basin... It's quite strange... I wonder if I have overlooked something

                        3. Eternal flow
                        You want to know about the Indus River? Well, it's been flowing from practically the beginning of time. Because there's gods in there. But the gods are apparently easily angered. They cause a lot of floods. When that happens, the flow pattern changes. Records? There might be some in the library at Calicut

                        4. Flood of the Indies
                        The Indus River has caused frequent flooding since ancient times. This is caused by the increase in water level from the summer monsoons. This brought fertile soil and caused agriculture to flourish. But at the same time, great floods would occur from time to time, washing away farms and residences

                        5. Region prone to earthquakes
                        You are investigating about the Indus River basin? That region is dangerous. There are great floods and many earthquakes as well. There have been many large earthquakes big enough to destroy a city. It would be a terrible event if a major earthquake and a major flood happened at the same time

                        6. Is the terrain different now?
                        Because the Indus River basin is frequently inundated with floods and earthquakes, its geography in ancient times might be very different from today. For this reason, great ancient cities might actually be found in places where no one lives today. Proceed west from Diu along the coast and look for a place to go on shore and inland to investigate

                        Discovery: 473 Experience

                        Card: 236 Experience and 모헨조다로

                        Report Reward: 170 Experience, 90 Fame and 의뢰 알선서

                          • 발견물
                          • 모헨조다로 ★★★ (사적) 경험치:473 명성:180
                            인더스문명의 대도시 유적지. 도로가 매우 잘 정리되어 있으며,배수시설도 완비되어 있다. 전체적으로 인골이 산재되어 있기 때문에 `죽음의 언덕`이라고 불린다.

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