大航海時代 DB

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          암흑 속에서 꿈틀거리는 그림자
          기한 없음
          캘리컷 모험가조합
          You're familiar with Madagascar, aren't you? Someone who went there reported that a demon lives on that island. Apparently, it has yellow eyes that shine in the dark.
          It's probably just an unusual type of animal, but would you be willing to look into it?
          Mozambique is nearby, so why don't you do some preliminary investigating at a tavern there?

                        1. 모잠비크 - 주점주인과 대화
                        2. 모잠비크 - 광장의 청년과 대화
                        3. 마다가스카르 서쪽 해안 - 북쪽 거목 주변에서 관찰 생태 조사

                        1. Demon's servant
                        The ones that only come out at night in Madagascar, right. Though often called the Devil's servants, they don't really cause any trouble.
                        Tehn again, it is a little hair-raising to see those glowing, yellow eyes in the middle of the pitch black forest. That reminds me, some young lad was going on about them before.

                        2. It was a large squirrel
                        Saw the true Devil's servant, I did. We wear carried by the storm and spent some days there, and at night if came out--a black, cat-like creature.
                        Saw its front teeth, thought it was a big squirrel or something. Too big for a squirrel, though. I drifted all the way from here to the southeast shore.

                        3. The largest squirrel in Africa?
                        "Devil's servant" creature of Madagascar is a large squirrel the size of a cat. Unusual because African squirrels are very small.
                        Disembark at the southeast shore of Mozambique and investigate, concentrating on the large trees in the northeast.

                        의뢰 알선서


                        FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                        발견시 경험치 580, 카드 경험치 145
                        보고시 경험치 210, 명성 220, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득

                          • 발견물
                          • 아이아이원숭이 ★★★★ (중형생물) 경험치:696 명성:290
                            마다가스카르 섬에만 산다고 하는 동물. 얼굴과 앞니,행동 등을 보면 커다란 다람쥐라는 생각도 든다. 하지만,앞발은 다람쥐와 다르다. 다람쥐와는 다른 종일지도 모른다.

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