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임시 대피소에도 아드바리유제관의 성전 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      아드바리유제관의 성전
      기한 없음
      세인트조지스 모험가조합
      So you know a lot about Indian sacredt text, don't you? Do you think you could accept a request in this vein? Offering are presented to gods during Hindu rituals. The hymns recited at that time have been compiled in a sacred text. We've been asked to investigate about that tome. I wonder if anyone can tell you something about it. Why not look into it in Calicut?

                1. 캘리컷 - Talk to Temple Staff
                2. 캘리컷 왕궁 대신 집무실 - Talk to Mayor Baire
                3. 캘리컷 사원 - 관찰 탐색

                호토리제관의 성전 4 6 1 리그베다
                우드가토리제관의 성전 4 6 1 사마베다
                브라만제관의 성전 4 6 1 아타르바베다
                Bible of Priest Advalu
                힌두의 최고신 5 7 1 브라만상

                1. Content that was originally a secret
                Studying the Vedas then are we? In the beginning, the Vedas were passed along from priest to priest by word of mouth. I don't think outsiders will be allowed to see more than this. Please ask the city mayor for permission.

                2. Times have changed
                Long, long ago, the Vedas were an unwritten, guarded secret and ritual practices were pased on only to officiating priest. However, now they have spread far and wide and the secrecy is gone. I think that one knowledgeable, such as yourself, should take this chance to learn.

                3. The right to know Veda
                The mayor has granted you permission to study The Vedas, a collection of hymns sung in prayer. It is best to go to the temple in Calicut. Make the best of mayor's good will and endeavour to make and accurate interpretation.

                의뢰 알선서




                  • 발견물
                  • 야주르베다 ★★ (종교유물) 경험치:390 명성:180
                    힌두교 성전의 하나. 야듀스라고 하는 제사를 모은 것. 제사로 공의를 담당하는 아드바리유 제관을 위한 물건이다.

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