大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 세인트조지스의 기구한 보석 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      세인트조지스의 기구한 보석
      기한 없음
      세인트조지스 모험가조합
      Jewellery can be valuable and enticing to the eye, but you sometimes hear ominous tales about certain pieces that defy the imagination. This job is to look for one such piece. It's a request from European nobility, so give it due diligence!

                1. 세인트조지스 - Talk to Barkeep
                2. 세인트조지스 - Talk to City Official
                3. 세인트조지스 - Talk to Raema (Bar maid)
                4. 케이프타운 - Talk to Alidece (Bar maid)
                5. 케이프타운 - Talk to Barkeep
                6. 케이프타운 - Talk to Young Man
                7. 케이프타운 - Talk to Port Official
                8. 케이프타운 - Talk to Alidece (Bar maid)
                9. 아프리카 남쪽 해안 - Landing point East of Cape Town 관찰 탐색

                1. Old tales
                When i was little, a large fleet come to here from Europe, They took back a precious stone they got from mineral veins near the city. But a few years later, those stones returned to this city.... I wonder why... The town official should be able to tell you more.

                2. The returned gemstone
                That fleet was apparently dispatched by European royalty. They took back an emerald from an inland mineral vein to commemorate reaching to this city. They were really happy, saying this would make a great souvenir... ...But for some reason it came back a few years later as a beautiful ring. I think the family of Raema has it.

                3. The ring has gone via seafarer to the cape
                I remember! I heard that the person who received that stone was met with one misfortune after the other, and came here to give the stone back... It was displayed for a while here in this bar, but i gave it to a sailor recently who said he liked it. That sailor said he was on his way to the Cape.

                4. An unsettilng ring
                Yes, I remember that sailor. He scurried into town... He was apparently quickly abandoned by the sea gods after leaving Saint-George, and said that he met no good fortune. He tried to give me a pretty ring, but it made me uncomfortable so i said i didn't want it.

                5. The vein of emerald
                The ring he tried to give to Arideth had an enormous emerald. When i saw it, it reminded me of the mining accident near Saint-Georges long ago in wich many miners were buried alive... I think that as an emerald mine... I didn't want to remember that.

                6. Curse that ruins powerfull nobles?
                I heard an odd story form a sailor who arrived from Europe... There is a story that smal emerald ring brought ruin to a once powerful family. After obtaining the ring, the family head could find no suitable heir and was unsuccessful in warring or battle strategy. Ultimately, they suffered mysterious diseases, poor crops, civil insurgency...

                7. Gemstone returned to Saint-Georges
                I heard that story too. I heard that because they were a family distantly related to the royal family and were favoured by the royalty, they had to get rid of the ring somehow... The ring was returned to Saint-Georges, the place where the stone was originally excavated. The ring that someone tried to give to Arideth might be that same ring.

                8. Buried in the land of the east
                An emerald ring? I said i didn't want it. The sailor looked troubled. Since he didn't look well, i said "Why don't you bury it over there somewhere?" I think he buried it inland east from here. Don't go try something dangerous like trying to go find it! You make me worried.

                9. The cursed ring
                The emerald that was excavated from the mine near Saint-Georges was crafted into a beautiful ring in Europe. But it was buried east from the Cape because it brought misfortune to whoever owned it. Go on short at the south of africa and search for it. You should probably watch out for spells...

                의뢰 알선서

                저주받은 반지

                FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                발견시 경험치 460, 카드 경험치 115
                보고시 경험치 255, 명성 180, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득

                  • 발견물
                  • 저주받은 반지 ★★★ (보물) 경험치:506 명성:215
                    보는 사람을 매료시키는 세공이 훌륭한 반지다. 하지만,지금까지 소유했던 모든 사람들이 비참한 운명에 빠졌다. 뭔가 무서운 저주가 걸려 있다고 밖에 생각할 수 없다……

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