大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 마다가스카르의 동쪽 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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            마다가스카르의 동쪽
            기한 없음
            아덴 모험가조합
            A scholar has requested a preliminary survey of the seas east of Madagascar before he goes in search of new creatures there. Not many people would have information on that area...you may want to try the port official at Mozambique.

                      1. 모잠비크 - Talk to Port official
                      2. 마다가스카르 앞바다 - go East from Tamatave(big island in Madagascar sea), top one between two island(around 2448,5460) 인식

                      Currently here..
                      너무 살이 찐 거위 같은 새 10 12 1 도도

                      1. Fluffy hills
                      East of Madagascar? I do believe I have heard of an island out that way. Something about there being a lot of huge birds and the hills looking like they're moving there. I heard those birds can't fly though. There two islands, but the one on the north-east side.

                      2. Island with a large bird
                      There is an island to the east of Madagascar that is home to a species of large birds. I should have no problem finding it if I just head due east form Madagascar. I should use the "Recognition" command around the north-eastern island to chart it on a map.


                      Discovery: 270 Adventure Experience

                      Card: 135 Adventure Experience and 모리셔스제도

                      Report Reward: 130 Adventure Experience, 70 Adventure Fame and 항해기술입문

                        • 발견물
                        • 모리셔스제도 ★★ (지리) 경험치:270 명성:135
                          마다가스카르 섬의 동쪽에 떠 있는 섬들. 무인도이다. 산호초에 둘려 싸여 있는데 토지가 비교적 비옥하여 경작이 가능하다고 여겨진다. 열대성 기후와 아름다운 바다가 어우러져 낙원과 같다.

                          댓글 안보기

                          2014-04-02 16:43

                          마다가스카르의 동쪽 99994493

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                          3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.