大航海時代 DB

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      도곤의 신화
      기한 없음
      세인트조지스 모험가조합
      Are you familiar with an ethnic group as the Dogon living in the land to the west? They have a very unique creation myth. I want you to investigate it. You should go to Abidjan and then search for someone who might be knowledgeable about it. Abidjan is a town to the west of here.

                    1. 아비장 - Talk to Shopkeeper
                    2. 아비장 - City Official
                    3. 대서양중앙 서쪽 해안 - Landing Point West of Abidjan 관찰 탐색

                    FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                    뾰족한 발굽 6 8 1 늪영양

                    1. Creation myth of Dagan
                    I know because one of the Dogons is an acquaintance of mine. The god Amma is the creator. that made the sun and the moon from two urns. Then Amma created the stars and the earth. After that I'am not sure, I think the cityofficial would know a lot more.

                    2. Seeds of disaster
                    Amma attempted to mate with the earth but was thwarted by an anthill and jackal was born. It is said that the jackal is the seed of disaster. There is a landing point to west of the city. There you can find the place where rituals are performed.

                    3. Ceremony of Dagan
                    Dogon rituals are said to be carried out at a place West of Abidjan, near our point of landing. You may even see the image of a deity. Search around the mammalian bones that lie northwest of the landing point .

                    의뢰 알선서

                    아프리카신의 부적


                      • 발견물
                      • 안마상 ★ (종교유물) 경험치:180 명성:75
                        사하라의 남쪽에 사는 도곤인의 유일신상. 안마는 별을 만들고,태양과 달을 만들었다. 게다가 대지를 만들어 스스로 관계를 맺어 정령을 만들었다고 한다.

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