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      달인의 탐구
      기한 없음
      이스탄불 모험가조합
      There's a man named Kara Mehmet here who can do such amazing impersonations of animals that people actually come from afar to study under him. He's currently asking seafarers for help with research on a new animal, so why not go talk to him?

                1. 이스탄불 칼라 메흐메드 저택 - 칼라 메흐메드와 대화 ×2회
                3. 대서양중앙 서쪽 해안 - 관찰 생태 조사

                강에 숨어있는 거대 생물 2 4 1 하마
                물을 싫어하는 하마 9 11 1 난쟁이하마
                달인의 탐구

                1. Call of the pygmy hippopotamus
                I'm not very good at it, but I can immitate the sounds of any animal. But I just can't seem to imitate the sound of a pigmy hippopotamus. You've found a pigmy hippopotamus before, haven't you? I've come up with a new pigmy hippopotamus call. I'll explain it to you so listen carefully

                2. How the pygmy hippopotamus calls
                ...So what do you think. Will it work?
                But be careful because it will probably require some serious dedication and cautious action. If it goes well, you might have what it take to become a skilled hunter

                3. Pygmy hippopotamus
                You accepted an unusual job to listen to the cry of a pygmy hippopotamus discovered inland west of Abidjan. If you follow Kara Mehmet's instructions it should cry out, but will it really go as planned...
                In any case return to the original discovery location for a wildlife survey


                FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                보고시 경험치 200, 명성 160, 수렵허가증 획득

                  • 발견물
                  • 난쟁이하마 ★★★★★★ (중형생물) 경험치:1040 명성:400
                    서아프리카의 제한된 지역에 밖에 없는 작은 하마. 하마의 새끼라고 여겨졌지만 같은 크기의 개체들뿐이었기 때문에 다른 종류라고 생각된다. 몸 색깔도 하마보다 꽤 진하다. 물 속에 있는 경우는 적고 숲이나 습지에 있다.

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                    달인의 탐구 99994482

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