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      바뀐 구도의 성모자화
      기한 없음
      아테네 모험가조합
      You saw Michelangelo's Pieta didn't you? Apparently Da Vinci has created a work in the same vein that is of extremely high quality. Many dealers have tried and failed to convince him to sell it. Perhaps you could go try to convince him...?

              1. 마르세이유 다빈치저택 - Da Vinci
              2. 마르세이유 교회 (west) - Priest
              3. 마르세이유 - (near the tavern) Theologian
              4. 마르세이유 교회 (west) - Monk
              5. 마르세이유 다빈치저택 - Da Vinci
              6. 제노바 교회 - Sister
              7. 제노바 교회 - 관찰 탐색

              천재의 청년 시대 4 6 1 피에타
              Unique depiction of Madonna & child
              다빈치의 제단화 4 6 1 암굴의 성모
              다빈치의 진필 10 12 1 암굴의 성모
              지상의 미인가, 마의 미소인가 1 1
              다빈치=코드 11 13 11 모나리자

              기적의 옷 3 5 1 성모의 의복

              1. Study Again
              You too? Like i said, that painting is not for sale.
              Besides, it's not even complete yet. I can't show some random stranger something so incomplete. If you ahve seen The Pieta, you must have some potential. Learn more about Iconography, and then i might be more willing to show you.

              2. Saint Anne and the Madonna painted in the same year
              The painting by Mr. Da Vinci, "The Virgin and chil with St. Anne",shows St. Anne and the Virgin Mary as being at around the same age. That form of expression is the same as the Pieta by Michelangelo.
              The theology scholars study Iconography as well, so you should talk to them too.

              3. Child becoming independent from their mother
              Da Vinci's "The Virgin and Child with St. Anne" shows the infant Jesus leaving the Virgin Mary's side, reaching out for the lamb.
              Perhaps the meaning behind this is that young children grow to leave their mother's hands?
              You should speak with the friar as well.

              4. Facing the passion
              My impression of the painting is that the infant Jesus was trying to chase after the lamb. Lambs, in iconography, signify the Passion. This painting represents Christ grappling with his ordeals while the Virgin Mary tries to restrain him. It is a wonderful painting, especially the fine details in the expression of the Virgin Mary and St. Anne.

              5. Only painted in Genoa
              Hmm, sounds like you did your homework. Well then I will tell you where the painting is. It's in a church in Genoa. I used to live there, and i feel the painting belongs nowhere else, so i go there when i want to paint it. I will allow you to look at it. Speak with the sister in Genoa.

              6. The painting is beyond the book shelves
              Yes, I have recieved the message. Mr. Da Vinci comes by to this town to paint, and leaves the painting here at the church when he returns to Marseilles.
              The painting is behind the bookstand. Please go ahead and take a look.

              7. Quest Complete Mk
              Da Vinci's "The Virgin and Child with St. Anne" is still incomplete, and he seems completely unwilling to sell it. However, he seems to approve of me, so perhaps i can negotiate with him when the picture is finished. The work in progress is in the church at Genoa. Let's check Behind the bookstand.

              유채기술의 역사

              성안나와 성모자


              Upon discovery 280 adv. experience,
              70 adv. experince recieved from the discovery card
              Uppon report 110 adv. experience ,120 adv. fame

                • 발견물
                • 성안나와 성모자 ★★ (미술품) 경험치:280 명성:125
                  레오나르도 다빈치의 작품인 그림. 성 안나의 무릎에 마리아가 앉아 어린 예수를 안으려고 하고 있다. 안나는 마리아의 어머니이지만 여기에서는 마리아와 동년배의 연령으로 그려져 있다. 이 그림은 미완성이라고 한다.

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