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      In Greek and Hellenistic art, nudity was expressed to approach the form of god and pursuit of perfection. However it was not possible to express the form of nudity for ethical reasons in the Catholic society in places such as France and Italy. I have a request to research abouth this. Go investigate at Genoa

                    1. 제노바 교회 - Talk to Artist (Inside church)
                    2. 제노바 - Talk to Craftman
                    3. 제노바 저택 - The mansion in the center of Genoa 관찰 탐색

                    Standards for beauty
                    잠자는 여신 7 9 7 잠자는 비너스

                    1. Painted at the request of the church
                    Many Catholic works of art are religious painting created at the request of the church, so these have many rules and taboos. Besides religious paintings, other types of art which explore a wide range of themes have also been produced more often lately. But to depict the naked human form, an Artist must have a particularly strong message in mind. Please ask around at a workshop.

                    2. Tiziano's Venus
                    With a nude woman, a godes can express the spirit of truth, or Eve can symbolise innocence. Tiziano painted Venus, but that is a little different. While portraying the goddes, he masterfully expressed the beauty of an actual woman. Many painters now refer to this when making a nude.

                    3. Standars for beauty
                    As part of Catholic culture, the church commissions many paintings, and naked subject matter is avoided unless it has a message. Themes have diversified lately and the number of other patrons has increased, too. This has provided Artist with more opportunities to create nudes. Apparently, somewhere in a house in Genoa, there is a work that Painters refer to when making a nude.

                    의뢰 알선서

                    우르비노의 비너스


                    발견시 경험치 600, 카드 경험치 150
                    보고시 경험치 260, 명성 90, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득

                      • 발견물
                      • 우르비노의 비너스 ★★★★ (미술품) 경험치:720 명성:300
                        티치아노 작품.비스듬히 누워 정면을 바라보는 비너스의 시선은 도발적이기도 하다.발밑에 웅크린 강아지는 순종과 정절을,손에 든 장미는 애정을 상징하고 있다.귀족의 저택에서 옷장을 뒤지고 있는 하녀의 모습이 여신을 세속적으로 느끼게 한다.

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