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            미의 여신에게 바친 도시
            기한 없음
            튀니스 모험가조합
            You know Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love? Well, the legend has it that she came from Cypress, and that there was an ancient city built in her name. How would you like to take on the task of finding that city? Ask around in Athens if you're interested.

                      1. 아테네 주점 - Muline: Talk to
                      2. 아테네 - Traveler (Near Market): Talk to
                      3. 파마구스타 - Young Man (Between Port Square and Town Official): Talk to
                      4. 파마구스타 - Sculptor (Craft Shop): Talk to
                      5. 파포스 - Use 관찰 인식 in the middle of the ruins

                      1. The Goddess born from the sea
                      Town of Aphrodite? Did such a town exist..? If true, there should be a clue in mythology. What I know is that she was born on the ocean of Cyprus. She was born on the ocean of Cyprus. She was born out of the sea foam and drifted onto the beach of Cyprus. Who might know more...

                      2. Faith of Aphrodite
                      Speaking of Aphrodite, there are plenty of stories, such as that her husband was the ugly Hephaestus, she loved her beautiful son Adonis, and so on. Did she have more love than anyone else... This was apparently strongly believed on Cyprus. You might learn something if you went to Famagusta?

                      3. Pygmalion
                      Stories related to Aphrodite? During mythological times, there was a king on this island named Pygmalion, and he carved a marble statue of a goddess. The statue was so beautiful that the king fell in love with the statue. But Aphrodite blew life into the statue, and the king named her Galatea and married her.

                      4. Thanks to the Goddess
                      Of course I know about Pygmalion. I'm somewhat a sculptor myself. I'd like to carve a statue so beautiful. What happened then was that together with Galatea, the king had a son named Paphos. I have heard that the son built the town as gratitude to the goddess.

                      5. The town built by Paphos
                      According to the myth, Paphos, who was Pygmalion's son, made this town to show his gratitude to the Goddess. Many towns that appear in mythology really exist. There might have been such a town on this island. Try proceeding inland from the outskirts of Famagusta and looking there.

                      Discovery Reward:
                      135 (67) Adventure Exp

                      Card Reward:
                      파포스 , 66(33) Adventure Exp

                      Report Quest Reward:
                      의뢰 알선서 , 70 (35) Adventure Exp, 80 (40) Adventure Fame

                        • 발견물
                        • 파포스 ★ (사적) 경험치:135 명성:33
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