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            물로는 끌 수 없는 불길
            기한 없음
            아테네 모험가조합
            I see, so "Greek Fire" is a powerful fire that was used as a military weapon and couldn't be put out by water. And other than who invented it nothing else much is known...
            The inventor was born in Syria, right? There may be some clues in Syria.

                      1. 베이루트 - Travelling Scholar: Talk to ×2
                      2. 베이루트 - Rest House Master: Talk to
                      3. 베이루트 - Travelling Scholar: Talk to ×2 ( 석유 x1 is needed)

                      로마를 구한 불길 1 1 3
                      Currently here
                      그리스 불 1 1 1 그리스 불

                      1. Snow in China
                      I've read some accounts about Greek fire before. My thoughts are that it uses gunpowder. The Islamic countries at the time didn't have gunpowder yet. The saltpetre used to make gunpowder is called "Chinese snow" and made its way into Europe only through the roads to the north of the Silk Road.

                      2. Won't work with gunpowder?
                      Flames from burning gunpowder can be put out rather easily. All you need to do is remove the air for it to burn by smothering it with sand. You can't make a flame that won't go out with gunpowder. What ingredients would it take to make a flame that can burn for a long duration and can't be put out with water...?
                      If a man from Syria invented it, perhaps he used ingredients that are produced around that area?

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