大航海時代 DB

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      금단의 딸기
      기한 없음
      마르세이유 모험가조합
      You found a frog that looked like a cloth sack in Eastern Africa, right? Well, here's a perfect job for you: A biological survey of the Caribbean. Looks like this may be a long stint--have a talk with the town scholar first.

                    1. 마르세이유 서고 - Talk to the Scholar
                    2. 세비야 서고 - Talk to the Scholar
                    3. 세비야 주점 - Talk to Seafarer
                    4. 산티아고 - Talk to Seafarer
                    5. 산티아고 - Talk to City Official (x2)
                    7. 자메이카 - Talk to Craftsman
                    8. 남미 북해안 고지 - Use 관찰 and 생태 조사 in southwest corner

                    부풀어 오른 몸 3 5 1 비 개구리
                    Forbidden strawberries
                    금빛의 생물 10 12 1 황금개구리

                    1. A strawberry like animal
                    I heard from the Scholar of Seville that in the far-away Caribbean, there lives a frog that is about the same shape and size as a strawberry. As a Scholar I never satisfy my curiosity... It must be a very cute animal. Please first go to Seville to ask the Scholar for details.

                    2. Poisonous strawberry
                    The Scholar pf Marseilles thinks that that frog is probably not cute. I only heard a little from a sailor in this town, but apparently it is venomous. That will cause quite the trouble as you try to investigate it...

                    3. Colour of a bright frog
                    It was when I went to the Caribbean. When surveying on land, I found an animal that looked like a strawberry. It was small and was a brilliant colour. When I tried to catch it, a sailor from Santiago with whom I was travelling screamed at me not to touch it because it was poisonous.

                    4. Poison that kills
                    The frog you are looking for possesses a powerful poison. I know several people who were killed by its poison. But if you are still set on studying it, I suggest you go speak with the town official. He might give you some more details.

                    5. Reason for bright colour
                    The bright colour of that frog is probably serves as a warning that it is poisonous. Most other poisonous animals are bright colours as well. You may not be able to avoid touching it if you are going to investigate it, but if you don't know where the poison is coming out of...

                    6. One who knows poison
                    ...Say, I heard that there is a person in Jamaica who uses frog poison for hunting. Your research would probably go smoothly if you could get him to tell you how to handle the poison.

                    7. Making use of poison
                    The person who was my boss used that frog's poison for hunting. If you brush a little poison on the tip of an arrow, all it takes is a little touch. The poison comes from its skin. You'll be alright if you pay attention to that.

                    8. Investigation of frog that looks like a strawberry
                    The animal which looks like a strawberry is a fatally poisonous frog. Although it is brightly colour, its small size could make it hard to find. You must also be careful of the poison excreted from its skin. Proceed inland from the embarkation point due south from Santo Domingo to look for the animal.

                    의뢰 알선서


                    FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                    발견시 경험치 800, 카드 경험치 200
                    보고시 경험치 320, 명성 220, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득

                      • 발견물
                      • 독개구리 ★★★★★★ (소형생물) 경험치:1040 명성:400
                        극채색의 개구리. 색이 너무나 다양해서 다른 종류인지,각각의 차이인지 잘 모를 정도다. 어느 것이나 독을 가지고 있는데 특히 독이 강한 것은 점액을 화살에 발라 사냥에 사용한다고 한다.

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